Class OperationBinding


public class OperationBinding extends Object
An operationBinding tells a DataSource how to execute one of the basic DS operations: fetch, add, update, remove.

This class is not meant to be created and used, it is actually documentation of settings allowed in a DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), for use with Smart GWT Pro Edition and above. See for how to use this documentation.

See DataSource.operationBindings.

  • Field Details

    • requiredCriterion

      public String requiredCriterion
      A comma-separated list of field names that must be present in criteria / advancedCriteria provided by the caller. Failure to provide any one of these will yield a STATUS_CRITERIA_REQUIRED_ERROR from the server.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • headers

      public String headers
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of DataSource.headers - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • recordName

      public String recordName
      For an XML DataSource, tagName of the elements to be used as records.

      This is a simple alternative to recordXPath when the elements to be used as records all share a tagName.

      When a DataSource has a WebService, recordName can also be set to the name of any complexType declared within the WebService's WSDL file.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • transformRawResponseScript

      public String transformRawResponseScript
      Applicable to server-side REST DataSources only

      A scriptlet to be executed on the server after data has been fetched from the REST service by this operation, but before it is processed through templating. See DataSource.transformRawResponseScript for further details.

      Note, unlike many OperationBinding-level properties, a transformRawResponseScript at the OperationBinding level does not hide a transformRawResponseScript defined at the DataSource level. Instead, if you define transformRawResponseScript against both the DataSource and the OperationBinding, both are run - first the DataSource-level script, then the OperationBinding-level one.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • outputs

      public String outputs
      Specifies, for this operationBinding only, the list of field names that should be returned to the client. Typically this will be a subset of the DataSource.fields, but note that this is not a requirement; outputs can include fields that are not defined in the DataSource's field list. In this case, the server will return extra fields even if DataSource.dropExtraFields is true.

      You specify this property as a string containing a comma-separated list of field names (eg, "foo, bar, baz")

      Note that this setting overrides DSRequest.outputs and DataSourceField.outputWhen setting, meaning fields listed in operationBinding.outputs will be returned to the client regardless of those settings.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • preventHTTPCaching

      public Boolean preventHTTPCaching
      Configures DataSource.preventHTTPCaching on a per-operationType basis.

      Default value is null

    • ansiJoinClause

      public VelocityExpression ansiJoinClause
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "sql", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to provide the server with a bespoke ANSI-style joins clause to use when constructing the SQL query to perform this operation. The property should be a set of joins implemented with JOIN directives (as opposed to additional join expressions in the where clause), joining related tables to the main table or view defined in tableClause. The server will insert the text of this property immediately after the tableClause.

      See the documentation for customSQL for usage examples

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • transformResponseScript

      public String transformResponseScript
      Scriptlet to be executed after the DataSource operation which is configured by this operationBinding. See DataSource.transformResponseScript for further details.

      Note, unlike many OperationBinding-level properties, a transformResponseScript at the OperationBinding level does not hide a transformResponseScript defined at the DataSource level. Instead, if you define transformResponseScript against both the DataSource and the OperationBinding, both are run - first the DataSource-level script, then the OperationBinding-level one.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • qualifyColumnNames

      public boolean qualifyColumnNames
      Specifies, for this specific operationBinding, whether to qualify column names with table names in any SQL we generate. Overrides the DataSource.qualifyColumnNames property. Only applicable to dataSources of serverType "sql".

      Default value is true

    • description

      public String description
      An optional description of the operationBinding's behavior. Not automatically exposed on any component, but useful for developer documentation, and as such is included on any OpenAPI specification generated by the framework. Markdown is a commonly used syntax, but you may also embed HTML content in a CDATA tag.

      Default value is null

    • customValueFields

      public String customValueFields
      Indicates that the listed fields should be included in the default selectClause and valuesClause generated for this operationBinding, even if they are marked customSQL="true".

      You can specify this property as a comma-separated list (eg, "foo, bar, baz") or by just repeating the <customValueFields> tag multiple times with one field each.

      This property is only applicable to DataSources of "sql".

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • groupBy

      public String[] groupBy
      List of fields to group by when using server-side summarization.

      Valid only for an operation of type "fetch". See the Server Summaries overview for details and examples of usage.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • lineBreakStyle

      public String lineBreakStyle
      The style of line-breaks to use in the exported output. See LineBreakStyle for more information.

      Default value is null

    • multiInsertNonMatchingStrategy

      public MultiInsertNonMatchingStrategy multiInsertNonMatchingStrategy
      For "add" operations on dataSources of serverType "sql" only, this property sets the multi-insert "non matching" strategy for this operation. Only has an effect if the add request specifies a list of records as the data, and only if multiInsertStrategy is set to "multipleValues" either globally or at the DSRequest, OperationBinding, or DataSource level.

      Note that this setting overrides the equivalent dataSource setting, and can in turn be overridden at the DSRequest level

      Default value is "padWithNulls"

      See Also:
    • mail

      public Mail mail
      Definition of an email message that will be sent as an after-effect of selecting or updating data.

      Note that if a fixed number of different messages need to be sent, multiple <mail> tags may be specified. For example, one mail could be sent to an admin address, and a different message to every member of a user group.

      Default value is null

    • dataProtocol

      public DSProtocol dataProtocol
      Controls the format in which inputs are sent to the dataURL.

      When a DataSource operation such as fetchData() is invoked on this DataSource or a component bound to this DataSource, the data passed to the operation, if any, will be sent to the dataURL. The dataProtocol property controls the format in which the data is sent: SOAP message, HTTP GET or POST of parameters, etc.

      The dataProtocol property need not be set for a DataSource with a WebService ( DataSource.serviceNamespace is set), in this case, SOAP messaging is used by default.

      Developers may completely bypass the Smart GWT comm system by setting dataProtocol to "clientCustom". In this case Smart GWT will not attempt to send any data to the server after calling DataSource.transformRequest(). Instead the developer is expected to implement transformRequest() such that it performs the necessary data action outside of Smart GWT, and then calls DataSource.processResponse(), passing in the DSRequest.requestId and an appropriate set of DSResponse properties to indicate the result of the action.

      NOTE: when dataFormat is "iscServer", dataProtocol is not consulted. Instead, Smart GWT uses a proprietary wire format to communicate with the Smart GWT server, and the server-side DSRequest and DSResponse objects should be used to access request data and form responses.

      Default value is "getParams"

      See Also:
    • groupWhereClause

      public VelocityExpression groupWhereClause
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "sql", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to provide the server with a bespoke HAVING clause to use when constructing the SQL query to perform this operation. The property should be a valid expression in the syntax of the underlying database. The server will insert the text of this property immediately after the outer "HAVING" token:

          select <selectClause>
            from ...
           where ...
        group by <groupClause>
          having <groupWhereClause>
      or after outer "WHERE" token if useHavingClause was set to false:
        select *
        from (select <selectClause> from ... where ... group by <groupClause>) work
        where <groupWhereClause>
      Note that care is required when using groupWhereClause to ensure that the selectClause contains all the fields you are filtering by. Failure to do this correctly will result in a runtime SQL error.

      This property is only applicable to operationBindings of operationType "fetch".

      It fully supports SQL Templating feature, for example:

        <groupWhereClause>$defaultGroupWhereClause AND field_name = value </groupWhereClause>
      See the documentation for SQL Templating for more details and Server Summaries for how criteria is applied to aggregated fields. Also, see "Filtered summaries", "Aggregation & Custom SQL" and "Custom Aggregation Query" Server Summaries samples in Smartclient Showcase.

      "Standalone" groupWhereClause usage

      Normally groupWhereClause is used in the context of the Server Summaries feature, but it is possible to use it in non aggregated fetches as well. For example:

        <DataSource ID="order" serverType="sql" tableName="order">
                <field name="orderID" primaryKey="true" ... />
            <operationBinding operationType="fetch">
                <tableClause>$defaultTableClause JOIN orderItem oi on order.orderID = oi.orderID</tableClause>
                <groupWhereClause>count(oi.orderID) > 1 AND sum(oi.unitPrice * oi.quantity) > 100</groupWhereClause>
      There's no builtin aggregation used in operationBinding above, but the regular "fetch" is limited by requiring every order to have multiple order items with amount greater than 100.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • responseTemplate

      public String responseTemplate
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of the DataSource.responseTemplate - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • requiresAuthentication

      public Boolean requiresAuthentication
      Whether a user must be authenticated in order to access this operation. For details of what is meant by "authenticated", see DataSource.requiresAuthentication.

      To protect access to an entire operationType (eg, all "fetch" operations), declare an operationBinding with requiresAuthentication="true", operationType set to the operationType to be protected, but no operationId. This will then prevent access to the "fetch" operationType unless another OperationBinding declares requiresAuthentication="false" with a specific operationId.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • useHavingClause

      public Boolean useHavingClause
      This setting switches between "having" clause and sub-select approaches when generating aggregated SQL queries. It also affects how aggregated fields are referred in:
      • generated groupWhereClause
      • expressions generated by SQLDataSource.getPartialHaving(...) and SQLDataSource.getHavingWithout(...) server-side API
      • expressions generated by $sql.partialHaving(...) and $sql.havingWithout(...) Velocity context variables used in SQL Temlating

      useHavingClause=true (default)

      SQL query is generated using traditional "having" clause approach:
          select <selectClause>
            from ...
           where ...
        group by <groupClause>
          having <groupWhereClause>
      Aggregated fields are referred by SQL expressions:
          select customer, sum(quantity * price) as amount
            from ...
           where ...
        group by customer
          having sum(quantity * price) > 10


      SQL query is generated using sub-select approach when main query becomes sub-select and then it is filtered in outer "where" clause:
        select *
        from (select <selectClause> from ... where ... group by <groupClause>) work
        where <groupWhereClause>
      Aggregated fields are referred by aliases they are selected by:
          select *
            from (select customer, sum(quantity * price) as amount
                    from ...
                   where ...
                group by customer) work
           where amount > 10
      If operationBinding.useHavingClause is omitted this may be controlled by sql.MyDatabase.useHavingClause setting in on a per-database basis.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • customHQL

      public String customHQL
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "hibernate", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to indicate that the server should run user-specified HQL (Hibernate Query Language), rather than the Hibernate criteria query or saveOrUpdate call it would normally generate to satisfy a dataSource operation via Hibernate.

      Note that inserting new records via HQL is often impractical, due to intentional restrictions in the language (it is only possible to perform an insert expressed in terms of a SELECT; the "VALUES" construct commonly used when inserting new rows singly is not supported). If you are intending to use customHQL, we recommend that you avoid doing so for OperationBindings with operationType "add", unless you have a special requirement such as a bulk insert; if you need custom queries to perform inserts on "hibernate" dataSources, we recommend you use customSQL, which is valid for "hibernate" DataSources as well as "sql" dataSources.

      For other operations on "hibernate" dataSources, however, HQL has the advantage of being more portable across different database engines than is plain SQL.

      Note that using customHQL affects paging implementation. If you use it, full data set is fetched from Hibernate and records that aren't in the requested range are dropped at the server side.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • criteria

      public DSRequestModifier[] criteria
      Elements of this feature are only available with Power or better licenses. See for details.

      A list of DSRequestModifiers that will be used to modify the criteria of each DSRequest that uses this operationBinding. Note that the criteria elements are applied to DSRequest criteria as follows:

      • Simple criteria: The field and value are just applied as an extra key/value pair in the criteria map, as long as the operator attribute is left unset, or is set to "equals". For any other setting of operator, the criteria is first converted to the equivalent AdvancedCriteria and then processed as described below
      • AdvancedCriteria: If the topmost operator is "and", we add the new criterion as an additional criterion directly in the existing list. Otherwise, we create a new top-level AdvancedCriteria with an operator of "and". This is then set to have two elements in its criteria: the previous top-level criteria and the new criterion.
      The effect of this is to apply any criteria specifed here as additional constraints on top of what the user has specified, and of course, the user is unable to affect this. Thus, this is a suitable and convenient place to enforce rules such as "Users can only ever see their own records".

      Below is an example of the XML as it should be defined in your ds.xml, datasource definitions.

          <operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="...">
            <criteria fieldName="USER_ROLE" value="ADMIN" operator="equals" />

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • callbackParam

      public String callbackParam
      Applies only to dataFormat: "json". Specifies the name of the query parameter that tells your JSON service what function to call as part of the response for this operation.

      Typically set once for the DataSource as a whole via DataSource.callbackParam.

      Default value is "callback"

      See Also:
    • responseFormat

      public RESTResponseFormat responseFormat
      For a RestConnector DataSource, the response format to use for this specific operationBinding. Overriddes any DataSource-level setting. Note, if responseFormat is not specified at either the DataSource or OperationBinding level, response processing will throw an exception.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • exportResults

      public boolean exportResults
      When set, causes the results of the DataSource Operation to be exported to a file, whose name and format are indicated by exportFilename and exportAs respectively. When no exportFilename is provided, the default is Results and the default value of exportAs is csv. Once the Operation completes, DSRequest.exportDisplay specifies whether the exported data will be downloaded to the file-system or displayed in a new window. The default value of exportDisplay is "download" which displays the Save As dialog. See ExportDisplay for more information.

      The export field-list can also be configured, see DSRequest.exportFields.

      You can also configure the style of line-breaks to use when generating the output. See LineBreakStyle for more information.

      As well as setting this and other properties on the OperationBinding, Exports can be initiated in two other ways. You can set properties on the dsRequest by passing requestProperties into DataSource.exportData(). Note that this method does not support exporting to JSON format (see this post for more detail). Additionally, custom server code may set export-related properties on the DSResponse.

      Format Examples

      XML format

                    <displayName>Record 10101</displayName>
      JSON Format
                { id: 10101, displayName: "Record 10101" }
      CSV Format
            10101,"Record 10101"

      Default value is false

    • serverObject

      public ServerObject serverObject
      Optional ServerObject declaration that specifies the ServerObject configuration for this operationBinding. In the absence of a serverObject specification here, the one specified on the DataSource itself is used by default, if present (DataSource.serverObject). If neither is present, then Direct Method Invocation will not be enabled for this operationBinding.

      Note that if a dataSource configuration has both a <script> block and a specified serverObject for some operation, the script block will be executed, and the serverObject ignored.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • customJQL

      public String customJQL
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "jpa", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to indicate that the server should run user-specified JQL (Java Persistence Query Language).

      Note that inserting new records via JQL is often impractical, due to intentional restrictions in the language (it is only possible to perform an insert expressed in terms of a SELECT; the "VALUES" construct commonly used when inserting new rows singly is not supported). If you are intending to use customJQL, we recommend that you avoid doing so for OperationBindings with operationType "add", unless you have a special requirement such as a bulk insert; if you need custom queries to perform inserts on "jpa" dataSources, we recommend you use customSQL, which is valid for "jpa" DataSources as well as "sql" dataSources.

      For other operations on "jpa" dataSources, however, JQL has the advantage of being more portable across different database engines than is plain SQL.

      Note that using customJQL affects paging implementation. If you use it, full data set is fetched from JPA and records that aren't in the requested range are dropped at the server side.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • requestProperties

      public DSRequest requestProperties
      Additional properties to pass through to the DSRequest created for this operation. Note that these will be cumulative with and will override on a per-property basis any properties set via DataSource.requestProperties.

      These properties are applied before DataSource.transformRequest() is called.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • selectClause

      public VelocityExpression selectClause
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "sql", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to provide the server with a bespoke SELECT clause to use when constructing the SQL query to perform this operation. The property should be a comma-separated list of column names and/or expressions, and you can refer to any scalar function supported by the underlying database. The server will insert the text of this property immediately after the "SELECT" token.

      Note that if you also specify a groupClause, you can use aggregate functions such as SUM and COUNT in the selectClause.

      This property is only applicable to operationBindings of operationType "fetch".

      See the documentation for customSQL for usage examples

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • summaryFunctions

      public Map summaryFunctions
      A mapping from field names to summary functions to be applied to each field.

      Valid only for an operation of type "fetch". See the Server Summaries overview for examples of usage.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • cacheSyncTiming

      public CacheSyncTiming cacheSyncTiming
      The cacheSyncTiming to use for this operation. Overrides any dataSource-level cacheSyncTiming

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • requiresCompleteRESTResponse

      public String requiresCompleteRESTResponse
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of DataSource.requiresCompleteRESTResponse - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • methodArguments

      public String methodArguments
      You can explicitly declare the arguments to be passed to serverMethod using this attribute. This isn't required - in the absence of methodArguments, the DMI implementation will still automatically pass a stock set of arguments to your method (see the overview in ServerObject), but specifying arguments gives you the ability to call pre-existing methods without adding Smart GWT-specific code.

      The format for specifying methodArguments is as a comma separated list of VTL (Velocity Template Language) expressions. See the VTL Reference and Velocity User Guide for an overview of how to use VTL.

      The Velocity context is pre-populated with the following variables - you can pass these verbatim as arguments, or call methods on these objects and pass the resulting values:

      • dsRequest: instance of the current DSRequest
      • request: the current HttpServletRequest
      • response: the current HttpServletResponse
      • rpcManager: the instance of RPCManager for this request
      • dataSource: a DataSource instance for this request
      So, for example, if you had a method signature like the following:

      public DSResponse fetch(SupplyItem criteria, long startRow, long endRow)

      You can invoke it by specifying methodArguments as follows:

      methodArguments="$dsRequest.criteria, $dsRequest.startRow, $dsRequest.endRow"

      Without methodArguments, there would be no way for you to specify startRow/endRow as arguments. You could, of course, simply declare the method to take a DSRequest object and call getStartRow()/getEndRow() in the body of the method.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • requires

      public VelocityExpression requires
      Indicates that the specified VelocityExpression must be true for a user to access this operationBinding.

      As with requiresRole, if there an operationBinding that is the default operationBinding for the operationType, its requires expression is assumed to apply to all other operationBindings of the same type unless they explicitly set requires=""

      DataSource.requires, if specified, applies before operationBinding.requires is evaluated. In this case, both requires expressions must be true for the request to be accepted.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • customCriteriaFields

      public String customCriteriaFields
      Indicates that the listed fields should be included in the default whereClause generated for this operationBinding, even if they are marked customSQL="true".

      You can specify this property as a comma-separated list (eg, "foo, bar, baz") or by just repeating the <customCriteriaFields> tag multiple times with one field each.

      This property is only applicable to DataSources of "sql".

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • csvDelimiter

      public String csvDelimiter
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of DataSource.csvDelimiter - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is ","

      See Also:
    • excludeCriteriaFields

      public String excludeCriteriaFields
      Indicates that the listed fields should be excluded from the default whereClause generated for this operationBinding.

      This enables you to use these fields in a custom query while still allowing the $defaultWhereClause to be generated for all other fields. For example, you might take a particular field and apply it in the WHERE clause of a subquery.

      You can specify this property as a comma-separated list (eg, "foo, bar, baz") or by just repeating the <customCriteriaFields> tag multiple times with one field each. Note that if a field is included in both excludeCriteriaFields and customCriteriaFields, customCriteriaFields wins.

      This property is only applicable to DataSources of "sql".

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • xmlNamespaces

      public Map xmlNamespaces
      Optional object declaring namespace prefixes for use in recordXPath and DataSourceField.valueXPath XPath expressions.

      xmlNamespaces should be specified as a mapping from namespace prefix to namespace URI, for example:

           xmlNamespaces : {
               az : ""
      By default, all namespaces declared on the document element (outermost element of the response) are made available with the prefix used in the document itself.

      Then, for non-WSDL-described XML results, if there is a default namespace on the document element, it is made available with the special prefix "default".

      For results of WSDL-described operations, the prefix "service" means the service namespace, that is, the "targetNamespace" on the <definitions> element from the WSDL file. The prefix "schema" means the namespace of the outermost element in the output message for the current operation. "default" will be the schema namespace if there is one, otherwise the service namespace.

      For basic information on XML Namespaces and their use in XPath, try the following search:

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • httpMethod

      public String httpMethod
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of DataSource.httpMethod - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • useForCacheSync

      public boolean useForCacheSync
      For an operationBinding of operationType "fetch" which specifies no operationId, this property determines whether the operationBinding should be used for cache synchronization purposes (ie, to retrieve the record most recently added or changed). This property has no effect on an operationBinding that specifies an operationId - see cacheSyncOperation.

      In order to work correctly with Smart GWT's cache synchronization system, an operationBinding marked useForCacheSync should have the following properties:

      • Able to complete its retrieval using no context other than the values of the primary key fields declared in the dataSource (these will be provided in the $criteria object passed to the operation)
      • Returns the entire record, including any values that may require joins to other tables or other complexities
      This property is not applicable to the built-in Hibernate and JPA DataSources.

      Please also read the overview article on CacheSynchronization for full details of all the cache sync options

      Default value is true

      See Also:
    • creatorOverrides

      public Boolean creatorOverrides
      Indicates that field-level declarative security rules are waived for rows that were created by the current user, as described in the discussion of dataSource.creatorOverrides. This setting overrides dataSource.creatorOverrides, for this operation only.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • sqlSuffix

      public VelocityExpression sqlSuffix
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For operations on DataSources of serverType "sql" only, some text to add right at the end of the query generated for this specific operation, after all other text. This can be plain text or a Velocity template. Like sqlPrefix, this property allows for non-standard SQL extensions that may be required to obtain some special, database-specific behavior. For example, Progress OpenEdge database can be given hints like "WITH (NOLOCK)", that must appear after all other text.

      This property is ignored for non-SQL dataSources

      sqlSuffix can also be specified at the DataSource level; any such value acts as a default for the dataSource, and will be overridden by an operationBinding-level setting

      You can alternatively provide SQL suffix text programmatically, by overriding getSQLSuffix() in a custom DataSource implementation

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • transformRequestScript

      public String transformRequestScript
      Scriptlet to be executed prior to the DataSource operation which is configured by this operationBinding. See DataSource.transformRequestScript for further details.

      Note, unlike many OperationBinding-level properties, a transformRequestScript at the OperationBinding level does not hide a transformRequestScript defined at the DataSource level. Instead, if you define transformRequestScript against both the DataSource and the OperationBinding, both are run - first the DataSource-level script, then the OperationBinding-level one.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • suppressAutoMappings

      public Boolean suppressAutoMappings
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of DataSource.suppressAutoMappings - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is false

      See Also:
    • customFields

      public String customFields
      Indicates that the listed fields should be included in the default selectClause and whereClause generated for this operationBinding, even if they are marked customSQL="true".

      If you need to apply different sets of overrides for the selectClause and the whereClause, use customValueFields and/or customCriteriaFields instead. If you specify both customFields and customCriteriaFields or customValueFields, the more specific variant wins. If you specify both customFields and excludeCriteriaFields, customFields wins (this is another use case when you may wish to use customValueFields instead)

      You can specify this property as a comma-separated list (eg, "foo, bar, baz") or by just repeating the <customFields> tag multiple times with one field each.

      This property is only applicable to DataSources of "sql".

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • multiInsertBatchSize

      public Integer multiInsertBatchSize
      For "add" operations on dataSources of serverType "sql" only, this property sets the multi-insert batch size for this operation. Only has an effect if the add request specifies a list of records as the data, and only if multiInsertStrategy is set to "multipleValues" either globally or at the DSRequest, OperationBinding, or DataSource level.

      Note that this setting overrides the equivalent dataSource setting, and can in turn be overridden at the DSRequest level

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • params

      public String params
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of DataSource.params - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • exportFields

      public String[] exportFields
      The list of field-names to export. If provided, the field-list in the exported output is limited and sorted as per the list.

      If exportFields is not provided, the exported output includes all visible fields from the DataSource (field.hidden=false), sorted in the order they're defined.

      Default value is null

    • responseDataSchema

      public DataSource responseDataSchema
      Optional schema describing how to extract DataSource records from the XML elements selected.

      Once a set of XML elements have been selected via recordXPath or recordName, those elements are normally transformed to JavaScript objects using the fields of the DataSource that owns the operationBinding. A responseDataSchema can be specified instead if the XML differs in some way between different DataSource operations, such that different values for field.valueXPath may be necessary to extract the same DataSource record from slightly different XML structures.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • forceSort

      public String forceSort
      For DataSources of serverType "sql" only, indicates whether we should automatically add a sort field for paged fetches. Only applies to "fetch" operations. If left unset, this property defaults first to the dataSource-level setting, and then to one of the global values described in the defaultSortField documentation.

      Note, the ability to set this property per-operation is only provided to allow for complete configurability in unusual cases. See the defaultSortField docs for details of why use of this property should be considered a red flag.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • allowAdvancedCriteria

      public Boolean allowAdvancedCriteria
      This property indicates whether this operation supports AdvancedCriteria. This setting overrides DataSource.allowAdvancedCriteria for this operation only. See DataSource.supportsAdvancedCriteria() for further information.

      NOTE: If you specify this property in a DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file), it is enforced on the server. This means that if you run a request containing AdvancedCriteria against an OperationBinding that advertises itself as allowAdvancedCriteria:false, it will be rejected.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • invalidateCache

      public Boolean invalidateCache
      If set, every invocation of this operationBinding will invalidate the local cache, forcing a server visit to refresh the data.

      Default value is null

    • cacheSyncOperation

      public String cacheSyncOperation
      For an operationBinding of operationType "add" or "update", this property is the operationId of a "fetch" operationBinding to use for cache synchronization purposes (ie, to fetch the row most recently added or changed). This property, along with useForCacheSync and canSyncCache is provided so that you can use custom database operations without sacrificing the benefits of Smart GWT's automatic cache synchronization.

      This property is not applicable to the built-in Hibernate and JPA DataSources.

      Please also read the overview article on CacheSynchronization for full details of all the cache sync options

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • requiresRole

      public String requiresRole
      Comma-separated list of user roles that are allowed to invoke the operation described by this operationBinding. If the current user has any of the roles listed, they can invoke the operation. Also note that authentication.superuserRole can be specified in the file. If set this denotes a "super user" role - any user with that role will have access to all operations, regardless of the "requiresRole" settings for the operation.

      Whether the current user has a given role is determined by calling the standard Java servlets method httpServletRequest.isUserInRole(), hence works with both simple J2EE security (realms and form-based authentication) and JAAS (Java Authentication & Authorization Service).

      If you wish to use a role-based security scheme that does not make use of the servlet API's standards, Smart GWT Server also implements the setAuthenticated and setUserRoles methods on RPCManager. You can use this API to tell Smart GWT that all the requests in the queue currently being processed are associated with a user who has the roles you supply; in this case, Smart GWT will not attempt to resolve the user's roles via httpServletRequest.isUserInRole(). When taking this approach, the rpcManager.setUserRoles() method should be called on the server for each transaction received from the client. We recommend doing this by overriding the special IDACall servlet and checking server side state to determine the current user's roles, calling the API, and then calling handleDSRequest() or handleRPCRequest() directly to handle the request(s) passed in.
      Here's an example of this approach which assumes the current user's roles has been set directly on the HttpSession object as a comma-separated-string attribute "roles":

         public class SecureIDACall extends IDACall {
             public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
                     HttpServletResponse response)
              throws ServletException, IOException
                 HttpSession session = request.getSession();
                 Object roles = session == null ? null : session.getAttribute("roles");
                 if (roles != null) {
                     try {
                         RequestContext context = RequestContext.instance(this, request, response);   
                         RPCManager rpc = new RPCManager(request, response);
                         rpc.setUserRoles((String) roles); 
                         // call processRPCTransaction() to iterate through all RPCRequests and
                         // DSRequests and execute them
                         processRPCTransaction(rpc, context);
                     } catch (Throwable e) {
                         handleError(response, e);
                 } else {
                     super.processRequest(request, response);

      If there is an operationBinding declared for a given operationType which does not have an operationId, that is, it is the default operationBinding for the type, then any other operationBinding of the same type is assumed to have the same setting for requiresRole as the default operationBinding for the operationType. For example, given these declarations:

            <operationBinding operationType="fetch" requiresRole="manager">
                  ... settings ...
            <operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="fetchWithExtraFields">
                  ... settings ...
      The second operationBinding requires the "manager" role even though there is no explicit requiresRole declaration. To prevent the "manager" role being required by the second operationBinding, add requireRole="".

      Note that if DataSource.requiresRole is set, all operations on the DataSource require the roles set for the DataSource as a whole, even if they declare individual requiresRole attributes.

      This property is valid only for a server-side DataSource when using the Smart GWT Server.

      Special rules for cache sync

      After successfull "add" or "update" operation cache sync request is performed, which is using "fetch" operation of the same datasource. It may happen that user is allowed to add records, but is not allowed to fetch them, for example:

            <operationBinding operationType="fetch" requiresRole="admin">
                  ... settings ...
            <operationBinding operationType="add">
                  ... settings ...
      User without "admin" role will be able to successfully add record, but the cache sync operation will fail due to security violation. In this case the record will be saved to database, but the added record will not be fetched from database, instead just old values overlaid with submitted values will be returned. So, any changes made to the new record during request execution, including generated values for primary key fields of "sequence" type, will not be returned to the client.

      However, if "add" or "update" operation explicitly declares cacheSyncOperation, cache sync request will be executed even if the user does not meet the security checks for the operationBinding. Note that field-level security still will be respected and disallowed fields will be excluded from returned data.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • requestTemplate

      public String requestTemplate
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of the DataSource.requestTemplate - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • exportFilename

      public String exportFilename
      The name of the file to save the exported data into.

      Default value is null

    • useFlatFields

      public boolean useFlatFields
      Setting useFlatFields on an operationBinding is equivalent to setting DSRequest.useFlatFields on all DataSource requests with the same operationType as this operationBinding.

      Typical usage is to combine operationBinding.useFlatFields with searchForm.useFlatFields, with the SearchForm bound to the input message of the web service operation set as wsOperation. This allows gratuitous nesting to be consistently bypassed in both the user presentation and in the actual XML messaging.

      Note that useFlatFields is not generally recommended for use with input messages where multiple simple type fields exist with the same name, however if used in this way, the first field to use a given name wins. "first" means the first field encountered in a depth first search. "wins" means only the first field will be available in data binding, and only the first field will be populated in the generated XML message.

      Default value is false

      See Also:
    • cacheSyncStrategy

      public CacheSyncStrategy cacheSyncStrategy
      The cacheSyncStrategy to use for this operation. Overrides any dataSource-level cacheSyncStrategy

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • xmlTag

      public String xmlTag
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of DataSource.xmlTag - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • canSyncCache

      public Boolean canSyncCache
      For an operation of type "add" or "update", a SQLDataSource will normally obtain data to return to the client by performing the "cacheSyncOperation": a SELECT statement that retrieves the modified record by primary key. This accommodates sequence columns, columns with default values, database triggers and other database features that may modify data after insertion or update.

      Certain major SQL customizations can prevent the SQLDataSource from authoritatively determining the primary key used in the SQL statement, such that re-selecting the saved record may fail. By default, when canSyncCache has not been explicitly set, in the following cases it is assumed that the normal cacheSyncOperation cannot be used:

      • <customSQL> has been used to define an entirely custom query
      • a custom <whereClause> has been defined for an "update" or "remove" operation
      • a custom <valuesClause> has been defined for an "add" operation
      If any of these cases apply or if canSyncCache has been set false, the server will skip the cacheSyncOperation and return a DSResponse where DSResponse.invalidateCache has been set to true to notify client-side components that they may need to refresh their entire cache.

      Alternatively, if the default re-selection behavior will not work but a customized SQL query would work, you can define that SQL operation as another operationBinding and use cacheSyncOperation to declare that it should be used. Setting cacheSyncOperation implicitly sets canCacheSync to true.

      Note, setting this property to false inhibits cache synchronization for most DataSource types - it is not specific to SQL DataSources. However, it is not applicable to the built-in Hibernate and JPA DataSources. See the cache sync overview for further details.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • script

      public String script
      Scriptlet to be executed prior to the DataSource operation which is configured by this operationBinding. This setting overrides any script specified at the DataSource level for this operation.

      Scriptlets are used similarly to DMIs configured via serverObject - they can add business logic by modifying the DSRequest before it's executed, modifying the default DSResponse, or taking other, unrelated actions.

      Scriptlets are used similarly to DMIs configured via DataSource.serverObject or serverObject - they can add business logic by modifying the DSRequest before it's executed, modifying the default DSResponse, or taking other, unrelated actions.

      For example:

              <operationBinding operationType="add">
                  <script language="groovy">
                     ... Groovy code ...

      Scriptlets can be written in any language supported by the "JSR 223" standard, including Java itself. See the DMI Script Overview for rules on how to return data, add additional imports, and other settings.

      The following variables are available for DMI scriptlets:

      • dataSource: the current DataSource
      • dsRequest: the current DSRequest
      • criteria: shortcut to DSRequest.getCriteria() (a Map)
      • values: shortcut to DSRequest.getValues() (a Map)
      • oldValues: shortcut to DSRequest.getOldValues() (a Map)
      • sqlConnection: SQLDataSource only: the current SQLConnection object. If using automatic transactions are enabled, this SQLConnection is in the context of the current transaction.
      • beanFactory: the spring BeanFactory (when applicable)
      • cdiBeanManager: the CDI BeanManager (when applicable)

      Scriptlets also have access to a set of contextual variables related to the Servlets API, as follows:

      • servletRequest: the current ServletRequest
      • session: the current HttpSession
      • rpcManager: the current RPCManager
      • servletResponse: the current ServletResponse (advanced use only)
      • servletContext: the current ServletContext(advanced use only)
      As with DMI in general, be aware that if you write scriptlets that depend upon these variables, you preclude your DataSource from being used in the widest possible variety of circumstances. For example, adding a scriptlet that relies on the HttpSession prevents your DataSource from being used in a command-line process.

      Note that if a dataSource configuration has both a <script> block and a specified serverObject for some operation, the script block will be executed, and the serverObject ignored.

      Default value is null

    • autoJoinTransactions

      public Boolean autoJoinTransactions
      If true, causes requests against this operation to automatically start or join a transaction. if false, causes requests against this operation to be committed individually. If null, falls back to DataSource.autoJoinTransactions.

      See DataSource.autoJoinTransactions for further details of Smart GWT's automatic transaction control.

      Default value is null

    • progressiveLoading

      public Boolean progressiveLoading
      Sets progressive loading mode for this particular operation, overriding the DataSource-level setting. Note that this setting applies only to fetch operations - it has no effect if specified on any other kind of operation.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • useSpringTransaction

      public Boolean useSpringTransaction
      Sets or clears the useSpringTransaction flag for this specific operation.

      See DataSource.useSpringTransaction for details of the Spring transaction integration feature

      Default value is null

    • valuesClause

      public VelocityExpression valuesClause
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "sql", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to provide the server with a bespoke set of values to add or update, for use when constructing the SQL query to perform this operation. The property should be one of the following, depending on the operationType:

      For "add" operations, the syntax that would be valid for an INSERT INTO query: a comma-separated list of column names enclosed in parentheses, followed by a comma-separated list of new values, enclosed in parentheses and preceded by the token "VALUES". For example:

      <valuesClause>(name, age) VALUES("Jane Doe", 48)</valuesClause>

      For "update" operations, the syntax that would be valid for an UPDATE query: a comma-separated list of expressions equating a column name to its new value. For example:

      <valuesClause>name="Jane Doe", age=48</valuesClause>

      You may find the Smart GWT-provided $values variable of particular use with this property.

      See the documentation for customSQL for usage examples

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • skipRowCount

      public Boolean skipRowCount
      A SQLDataSource will normally issue two queries for a "fetch" operation when paging is enabled: one to determine the total rows available (the "row count query"), and one to fetch the specific range of rows requested.

      Setting skipRowCount="true" will avoid the "row count query", but as a consequence DSResponse.totalRows will be set to match the requested DSRequest.endRow since the totalRows is unknown. You can avoid this by using a paging strategy of "jdbcScroll" or "dropAtServer", but be aware that these paging strategies can introduce significant delays when used with potentially large datasets (in fact, "dropAtServer" is almost guaranteed to do so if used with datasets of more than 1000 or so rows)

      As an alternative, consider enabling progressive loading, which avoids doing a query for row counts, but will still allow the user to load more results using the scrollbar if viewing results in a ListGrid.

      Default value is null

    • whereClause

      public VelocityExpression whereClause
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "sql", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to provide the server with a bespoke WHERE clause to use when constructing the SQL query to perform this operation. The property should be a valid expression in the syntax of the underlying database. The server will insert the text of this property immediately after the "WHERE" token.

      You may find the Smart GWT-provided $criteria variable of particular use with this property.

      See the documentation for customSQL for usage examples

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • operationType

      public DSOperationType operationType
      Which operationType this operationBinding is for. This property is only settable on an operationBinding, not a DataSource as a whole.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • orderClause

      public VelocityExpression orderClause
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "sql", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to provide the server with a bespoke ORDER BY clause to use when constructing the SQL query to perform this operation. The property should be a comma-separated list of column names and/or expressions, forming a valid ORDER BY clause in the syntax of the underlying database. The server will insert the text of this property immediately after the "ORDER BY" token.

      This property is only applicable to operationBindings of operationType "fetch".

      See the documentation for customSQL for usage examples

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • wrapInList

      public Boolean wrapInList
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of DataSource.wrapInList - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is false

      See Also:
    • unionFields

      public String unionFields
      Only applicable to "union" dataSources, this is a comma-separated list of the names of the dataSource fields that make up the union. This property overrides the DataSource-level setting of the same name.

      Note, this property can only be used to narrow the list of fields in the union, not to widen it. In other words, only fields that are included at the dataSource level - either by specifying an explicit unionFields property or by automatically deriving a list of fields according to the DataSource.defaultUnionFieldsStrategy - can be named in the operationBinding-level unionFields declaration.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • useSubselectForRowCount

      public Boolean useSubselectForRowCount
      Whether to use the subselect technique (see DataSource.useSubselectForRowCount for details) to derive a rowcount query for this operation. If this property is not set, we fall back to the useSubselectForRowCount setting on the DataSource, and the defaults described in the documentation for that property.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • includeAnsiJoinsInTableClause

      public Boolean includeAnsiJoinsInTableClause
      This setting makes difference if ANSI-style joins are in use. If true, causes ansi joins to be included in $defaultTableClause, otherwise ansi joins will be put into separate $defaultAnsiJoinClause.

      If omitted, system-wide sql.includeAnsiJoinsInTableClause setting from will be used. If it is missing as well, false is the default.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • sqlType

      public SQLType sqlType
      For dataSources of serverType "sql" and "hibernate" only, this property determines whether "custom" operations have their custom SQL or HQL sent to the underlying database via a JDBC executeQuery() or a JDBC executeUpdate(). The default value of null means the same as "query", so you only need to use this property when your custom SQL or HQL updates data.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • multiInsertStrategy

      public MultiInsertStrategy multiInsertStrategy
      For "add" operations on dataSources of serverType "sql" only, this property sets the multi-insert strategy for this operation. Only has an effect if the add request specifies a list of records as the data.

      Note that this setting overrides the equivalent dataSource setting, and can in turn be overridden at the DSRequest level

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • csvQuoteCharacter

      public String csvQuoteCharacter
      Applies to RestConnector dataSources (serverType "rest") only. This is an operationBinding-level override of DataSource.csvQuoteCharacter - see that property's documentation for details

      Default value is '"'

      See Also:
    • isDDL

      public Boolean isDDL
      Only applicable to "sql" dataSources. This property should be set to true if your operation runs Data Definition Language (DDL) statements rather than Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements. DDL statements are concerned with creating, altering and dropping database objects, rather than fetching and updating data. Some examples of DDL statements:
           CREATE VIEW myView ...
           ALTER TABLE myTable DROP CONSTRAINT PK_myTable
           DROP DATABASE xyz
           TRUNCATE TABLE myTable
      When isDDL is true, we switch off certain JDBC flags to inhibit the return of generated key information. This generated key information is very important in supporting Smart GWT's automatic cache-synchronization features, but it is never needed for DDL statements. In fact, the concept of generated keys makes no sense in the context of DDL, and asking for this information anyway causes broken behavior in some cases, with some databases (PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server are the two products known to exhibit problems at the time of writing, but there may be others)

      The default value of null is equivalent to false, and means that this is an ordinary DML (data fetch or update) operation.

      Default value is null

    • transformMultipleFields

      public Boolean transformMultipleFields
      If set to "false", transformation of values for multiple:true fields, normally controlled by DataSourceField.multipleStorage, is instead disabled for this OperationBinding.

      Default value is null

    • skipAudit

      public Boolean skipAudit
      Setting skipAudit to true indicates that auditing must be skipped for this operationBinding.

      Note, that this setting can be overridden by server-side API DSRequest.setSkipAudit().

      Default value is null

    • beanClassName

      public String beanClassName
      A per-operationBinding setting for beanClassName, otherwise also settable at the top-level DataSource configuration.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • serverMethod

      public String serverMethod
      The name of the method to invoke on the ServerObject for this operationBinding.

      NOTE: If you have a DataSource-level ServerObject and wish to override this operation so that it simply calls a different method on the same server object, it is sufficient to specify just this property on the operationBinding: there is no need to redefine the serverObject at the operationBinding level.

      Default value is null

    • namedQuery

      public String namedQuery
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "jpa" or "hibernate", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to indicate that the server should execute a named query which has already been defined on an entity.

           @Table (name="Countries")
           @NamedQuery(name = "Country.withPopulationLessThan", query = "SELECT country FROM Country country WHERE country.population < :population")
           public class Country { ... }
               <operationBinding operationType="custom" operationId="withPopulationLessThan" namedQuery="Country.withPopulationLessThan"/>

      Substitution values can be used in order to build more dynamic named queries. When calling DataSource.performCustomOperation() the values are passed in using the data argument.

      Note that value substitution for named queries is slightly different to other custom queries. Because of the way the persistence API works the JQL query written in the @NamedQuery annotation can only contain basic parameter names such as "population". Therefore the value substitution becomes a simple name based mapping.


      Using Simple Criteria

      An example using a simple criteria for the above defined Country entity. In this case the named query parameter ":population" will be swapped out for the value of the criteria objects "population" field.
           var criteria = {
               population: 596000
           countryDataSource.performCustomOperation("withPopulationLessThan", criteria);

      Using Advanced Criteria

      If an advanced criteria is detected, access to all "fieldName" variables and their values will be provided but still using simple name based mapping. In the below case only the deep-first occurrence of the "population" fieldName will available. The operator is effectively ignored.

           var criteria = {
               _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria",
                       value: 12000
                       value: "Sweden"
                       _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria",
                               value: 0
           countryDataSource.performCustomOperation("withPopulationLessThan", criteria);

      Using namedQuery affects paging implementation. If you use it, full data set is fetched from JPA and records that aren't in the requested range are dropped at the server side.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • applyCriteriaBeforeAggregation

      public Boolean applyCriteriaBeforeAggregation
      If set to "true" all criteria are applied before aggregation and and the groupWhereClause is not generated.

      This property is only applicable if you are using the SQL DataSource, the other built-in types (Hibernate and JPA/JPA2) always perform filtering before summarization.

      NOTE this property exists principally for backcompat, as the results of apply criteria before aggregation are usually senseless, and in this mode client-side filtering will not match server-side filtering (since client-side filtering is always post-aggregation), so the ability to filter on those fields would need to be disabled in the UI.

      Still, if you have this flag was set to "true" and the "avg" function is being applied to a "price" field, criteria like "price < 5" will eliminate records where price is less than 5 before the average price is calculated. Note that this means that client-side filtering may not work as expected with summarized results: client-side filter criteria are necessarily applied after summary functions have been applied, so may not match the server's behavior. You can set ResultSet.useClientFiltering to disable client-side filtering on a grid via ListGrid.dataProperties. Or individual fields can be marked canFilter:false.

      Note that using CustomQuerying is an ultimate approach to make all kinds of modifications to the way SQL query is generated and with new $sql.partialWhere(fieldNames), $sql.whereWithout(fieldNames), $sql.partialHaving(fieldNames) and $sql.havingWithout(fieldNames) Velocity context APIs you have complete control over the automatically generated criteria.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • tableClause

      public VelocityExpression tableClause
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "sql", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to provide the server with a bespoke table clause to use when constructing the SQL query to perform this operation. The property should be a comma-separated list of tables and views, and you can use any special language constructs supported by the underlying database. The server will insert the text of this property immediately after the "FROM" token.

      See the documentation for customSQL for usage examples

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • exportAs

      public ExportFormat exportAs
      The format in which the data should be exported. Default is "csv". See ExportFormat for more information.

      Default value is "csv"

    • defaultParams

      public Map defaultParams
      HTTP parameters that should be submitted with every DSRequest.

      Useful for authenticated services that require a sessionId with every request.

      Can be set for all operations of a given DataSource as DataSource.defaultParams.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • values

      public DSRequestModifier[] values
      Elements of this feature are only available with Power or better licenses. See for details.

      A list of DSRequestModifiers that will be used to modify the values object of each DSRequest that uses this operationBinding. See this example: Master/Detail Add Example.

      Below example of the xml as it should be defined in ds.xml: <operationBinding operationType="add"> <values fieldName="orderID" value="$responseData.last('queuedAdd_order','add').orderID" /> </operationBinding>

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • requestFormat

      public RESTRequestFormat requestFormat
      For a RestConnector DataSource, the request format to use for this specific operationBinding. Overriddes any DataSource-level setting. Note, if requestFormat is not specified at either the DataSource or OperationBinding level, the request will be rejected.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • makeKeysAvailable

      public Boolean makeKeysAvailable
      For an operation of type "add" or "update", a SQLDataSource will normally obtain data to return to the client by performing the cacheSyncOperation. In certain edge cases this is either not possible or causes problems (such as record locks); in this case, you mark the operation with canSyncCache: false to inhibit this automatic behavior. However, this gives you an operation that does not properly cooperate with the client in keeping client-side caches fresh, which in turn leads to an application that must perform more server turnarounds and explicit database fetches.

      It is possible that the data needed for cache synchronization could be obtained by application code running in a DMI or server script, even if the normal automatic cache synchronization will not work. However, such application code is almost certainly going to need to know the primary key(s) of any newly added record(s).

      When makeKeysAvailable is true, Smart GWT Server will go through the process of obtaining generated keys in accordance with the SequenceMode, even if canSyncCache is false (note, "in accordance with the sequenceMode" implies that we do not attempt to get keys if the sequenceMode is "none"). The keys used in the operation (both generated keys, if any, and any keys provided in the operation's criteria or values) will be stored on the DSResponse and your server-side DMI or script will have access to them via the server API dsResponse.getKeys(). Please see the server-side documentation for that method for further details.

      Note, if you are using SequenceMode "jdbcDriver", the keys are available to Smart GWT Server at no cost, so makeKeysAvailable is always true. If you are using sequenceMode "native", a separate native query must be run to obtain the keys. The overhead of this native query is likely to be insignificant, but because it is an extra step that you may not want or need, makeKeysAvailable defaults to false in this case. You can override this by adding setting sql.always.makeKeysAvailable:true to your file.

      This property is only applicable to DataSources of type "sql".

      Default value is See below

      See Also:
    • guestUserId

      public String guestUserId
      Value to use for the ownerIdField if no one has authenticated.

      Overrides the same setting at the DataSource level.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • recordXPath

      public XPathExpression recordXPath
      For an XML or JSON, JSON or RestConnector DataSource, an XPath expression used to retrieve the objects that will become DataSource records.

      For example, an "ItemSearch" web service might return a "Results" structure containing metadata along with the set of Items that one might want to display in a grid. An XPath expression like "/Results/Items" could be used to retrieve just the Items, which would then become DataSource records.

      For a JSON web service, the recordXPath is applied to the returned JSON data via XMLTools.selectObjects(). Only limited XPath syntax is allowed; see selectObjects() for details.

      For processing XML results, see xmlNamespaces for information on the namespaces that are available in this XPath expression. If you are contacting a WSDL web service, note that recordName is an alternative way to specify which records should be selected by their tagName or type, and this is usually simpler.

      To learn about XPath, try the following search:

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • allowMultiUpdate

      public Boolean allowMultiUpdate
      Ordinarily, "update" and "remove" operations are only allowed for DataSources that have a primaryKey, and all primary key values are present in the request. This is because an update of a DataSource with no primary key, or an update request that has missing primary key values, cannot be guaranteed to affect only one record.

      Setting this property on an operationBinding circumvents this restriction for that operation only.

      Warning: Be aware that this is a potentially dangerous setting and should be used with care. With this flag set, you have no guarantee that an update will not change or remove every row in a table.

      Note, in the case of doing an update or delete operation with a primary key and additional criteria, allowMultiUpdate must be set or additional criteria will be dropped and just the primary key fields will be used in criteria.

      Also, running allowMultiUpdate operations directly from the client is not straightforward because it requires the ability to specify criteria and values separately in the request, which is not currently supported. This can be worked around in various ways, but really allowMultiUpdate is primarily intended for server-side operations. Therefore, the recommended pattern is to use a custom operation from the client to invoke a DMI on the server which performs the multi-update operation via a second, server-side DSRequest.

      In any case, it's normally a good idea to set requiredCriterion on the multi-update operation to ensure that the alternative criteria is present as expected.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • spoofResponses

      public boolean spoofResponses
      For a DataSource contacting a WSDL web service, setting this flag means the DataSource doesn't actually attempt to contact the server but generates a sample response instead, based on the XML Schema of the response message embedded in the WSDL.

      The spoofed response will include all complexType elements and will fill in appropriate values by type for all simpleType elements, although the spoofed data will not conform to all xs:restriction declarations (eg xs:pattern).

      Note that if your WSDL does not fully describe the response format (some WSDL services just have a placeholder <xs:any> element), Smart GWT can only produce a partial response. To use a hand-generated sample response, just save an XML file to disk and use the dataURL setting to point to it.

      Default value is false

      See Also:
    • sqlUsePagingHint

      public Boolean sqlUsePagingHint
      If explicitly set true or false, forces the use of a "hint" in the SQL we generate for paged queries on or off as appropriate. If not set, defaults to the DataSource.sqlUsePagingHint value. Note this property is only applicable to SQL DataSources, only when a paging strategy of "sqlLimit" is in force, and it only has an effect for those specific database products where we employ a native hint in the generated SQL in an attempt to improve performance.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • dataURL

      public String dataURL
      URL to contact to fulfill DSRequests for this operationBinding.

      dataURL is typically set as DataSource.dataURL rather than on each individual operationBinding. However, when using dataURL to configure the server side of a RestConnector, it is common to set dataURL at the operationBinding level, as described in the DataSource-level dataURL documentation.

      dataURL can be omitted for a DataSource using a Web Service (DataSource.serviceNamespace is set).

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • sqlPrefix

      public VelocityExpression sqlPrefix
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For operations on DataSources of serverType "sql" only, some text to add right at the beginning of the query generated for this specific operation, before all other text. This can be plain text or a Velocity template. Like DataSource.sqlSuffix, this property allows for non-standard SQL extensions that may be required to obtain some special, database-specific behavior. For example, Oracle database supports hints specified in comments that appear before the main query text, like this:

           /* ALL_ROWS */  SELECT * FROM MyTable
      This property is ignored for non-SQL dataSources

      sqlPrefix can also be specified at the DataSource level; any such value acts as a default for the dataSource, and will be overridden by an operationBinding-level setting

      You can alternatively provide SQL prefix text programmatically, by overriding getSQLPrefix() in a custom DataSource implementation

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • operationId

      public String operationId
      Optional operationId if this DataSource supports two or more variants of one of the basic DataSource operations, for instance, a "fetch" that uses full text search and a "fetch" that accepts per-field search criteria. See DSRequest.operationId for usage.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • ownerIdField

      public String ownerIdField
      Overrides the same setting at the DataSource level, for this operation only. See the dataSource-level documentation for details.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • providesMissingKeys

      public Boolean providesMissingKeys
      Ordinarily, "update" and "remove" operations are only allowed if all primary key values are present in the request. This is because an update request that has missing primary key values cannot be guaranteed to affect only one record.

      Setting this property on an operationBinding circumvents this restriction for that operation only. Note, this property differs from allowMultiUpdate in its intent: allowMultiUpdate tells the framework that this operation deliberately affects multiple records; providesMissingKeys tells the framework that this operation will only affect one record, and will ensure this by providing values for missing keys during its operation. Unlike allowMultiUpdate, setting this flag does not cause component caches to be invalidated

      Providing values for missing keys can be done in various ways:

      • Operations that specify <customSQL> or <whereClause> can provide missing key values from session storage or elsewhere in the provided record
      • Operations that specify <script> can provide arbitrary code to manipulate the record in whatever way they like before executing the underlying built-in functionality
      • Operations can specify <criteria> to provide missing keys
      • A request can contain fieldValueExpressions, which can be used to provide values for missing keys
      Note, you can also use a regular DMI to arbitrarily manipulate the record sent from the client, including providing values for any missing keys. If you do this, you do not need to specify providesMissingKeys because the request is not validated for the presence of key values until after the DMI has run.

      Warning: Be aware that this is a potentially dangerous setting and should be used with care. With this flag set, the framework cannot guarantee that an update will not change or remove every row in a table: it becomes your code's responsibility to ensure that all PK values are provided to the operation by the time it actually needs them.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • groupClause

      public VelocityExpression groupClause
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "sql", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to provide the server with a bespoke GROUP BY clause to use when constructing the SQL query to perform this operation. The property should be a comma-separated list of column names and/or expressions, forming a valid GROUP BY clause in the syntax of the underlying database. The server will insert the text of this property immediately after the "GROUP BY" token.

      Note that specifying this property enables you to use aggregate functions (such as COUNT and SUM) in your selectClause. Also note that care is required when using groupClause to ensure that the selectClause contains the fields you are grouping by. Failure to do this correctly will result in a runtime SQL error.

      This property is only applicable to operationBindings of operationType "fetch".

      See the documentation for customSQL for usage examples

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • customSQL

      public VelocityExpression customSQL
      This feature is available with Power or better licenses only. See for details.

      For a dataSource of serverType "sql", "hibernate" or "jpa", this property can be specified on an operationBinding to indicate that the server should run user-specified SQL, rather than the query it would normally generate to satisfy a dataSource operation. This property allows you to provide a fully-customized query.

      Hibernate and JPA dataSources also support customizing the query via customHQL or customJQL respectively.

      For SQL dataSources, as an alternative to customSQL you can provide custom "pieces" to the query generator, via properties such whereClause and valuesClause.
      This feature is not available for Hibernate or JPA DataSources.
      See the CustomQuerying for more details.

      For a dataSource of type "sql", the Smart GWT server generates a number of useful query "pieces", and makes them available to your custom SQL code via the Velocity templating language (note that this is not available for "hibernate" dataSources).

      We also make the template variables $criteria and $values available, to give you direct access to the supplied criteria, and to the new field values for update and add operations. These variables are available to both "sql" and "hibernate" dataSources.

      Note that you should use this feature with care. In particular, writing customSQL code that makes use of a particular database engine's features or syntax will make your application less portable.

      See CustomQuerying for an overview of writing custom queries and clauses.


      An example using the Smart GWT-supplied query pieces. This custom query will give exactly the same result as the Smart GWT-generated query:

      <operationBinding operationId="customFetch" operationType="fetch">
          SELECT $defaultSelectClause FROM $defaultTableClause WHERE $defaultWhereClause ORDER BY $defaultOrderClause

      An example using the Smart GWT-supplied $criteria template variable:

      <operationBinding operationId="customFetch" operationType="fetch">
          SELECT foo, bar, baz FROM MyTable WHERE bar > $criteria.someValue

      An update example:

      <operationBinding operationId="myUpdateOp" operationType="update">
          UPDATE $defaultTableClause SET $defaultValuesClause WHERE bar <= $criteria.someValue

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • arrayCriteriaForceExact

      public Boolean arrayCriteriaForceExact
      Operation-level override for the DataSource-level arrayCriteriaForceExact flag. See the documentation for that flag for details.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
    • sqlPaging

      public SQLPagingStrategy sqlPaging
      The paging strategy to use for this specific OperationBinding. If this property is not set, we fall back to the DataSource.sqlPaging value, and the defaults described in the documentation for that property.

      Default value is null

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • OperationBinding

      public OperationBinding()