Class RPCResponse

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class RPCResponse extends RefDataClass
Encapsulates an RPC response from the server. Instances of this class are automatically created and optionally passed to you in the callback you specify as part of your RPCRequest.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int INVALID_RESPONSE_FORMAT
      Indicates that a response with invalid format has been received from server. If the datasource is using "iscServer" dataFormat, this means that the response is not recognized as a valid ISC frame.

      One possible cause for this error can be the reception of a RestDataSource JSON response that lacks a valid RestDataSource.jsonPrefix and/or RestDataSource.jsonSuffix

      If it is using "xml" or "json" dataFormat, the response could not be parsed as XML or JSON.

      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE
      Indicates a Declarative Security failure on the server. See the error handling section in RPCManager documentation for more information.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_CONNECTION_RESET_ERROR
      This response code only occurs when using the HTTP proxy. It is issued by the proxy servlet when the attempt to contact the target server results in a Java SocketException. This response probably indicates that the target server is currently down.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_CRITERIA_REQUIRED_ERROR
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_FAILURE
      Indicates a generic failure on the server. See the error handling section in RPCManager documentation for more information.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_FILE_REQUIRED_ERROR
      Indicates that an empty file was uploaded for a required 'binary' field.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_LOGIN_INCORRECT
      Indicates that the RPC has been intercepted by an authenticator that requires the user to log in.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_LOGIN_REQUIRED
      Indicates that a login is required before this RPCRequest can proceed.

      Applications do not directly set this status code, instead, to trigger the relogin flow, return the loginRequiredMarker in the response sent by your server when login is required. See the Relogin Overview for details.

      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_LOGIN_SUCCESS
      Indicates that the login succeeded.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_MAX_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED
      Indicates that an uploaded file's size exceeded the maximum file size allowed.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED
      Indicates that too many authentication attempts have been made and the server refuses to accept any more login attempts.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_MAX_POST_SIZE_EXCEEDED
      Indicates that the total size of the data sent to the server was more than the server is configured to allow. Most servers limit the post size to prevent out of memory style attack vectors that push a bunch of data at the server. Apache Tomcat, for example, is pre-configured to limit post size to 2mb, where the default max post-size in Jetty, used by default in Eclipse, is just 200k.

      On internal networks, these limits can typically be safely raised or removed. With Tomcat, for example, you can remove the post limit by specifying the following attribute on the <Connector> element in conf/server.xml:


      In Jetty, you can update or create war/WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml, adding a section like this

        <Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext"/>
            <Set name="maxFormContentSize">2000000</Set>
      NOTE: this status code is used whenever the server framework receives a request where the POST data has been removed, however, there are other possible causes, including:
      • security software installed on the server or network that erroneously detects some kind of exploit attempt, if its behavior is to just strip the POST data but allow the rest of the request through (SiteMinder is one product known to do this)
      • incorrectly written filter servlets that drop POST'd data
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_OFFLINE
      Indicates that the browser is currently offline, and that we do not hold a cached response for the request.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_REQUIRED_CRITERIA_MISSING
      Indicates that an operation binding configured to require OperationBinding.requiredCriterion has received none.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_SERVER_TIMEOUT
      Indicates a request timed out with no server response.

      This is a client-only error code - never sent by the server (since it's the server that times out).

      NOTE that if using hiddenFrame as the transport (not the default), a malformed response such as a "500 Server Error" or 404 errors will be reported as a timeout.

      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_SUCCESS
      Indicates successful completion of the request. This is the default status and is automatically used by the RPCResponse on the server unless you override it with setStatus().

      See the error handling section in RPCManager documentation for more information.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_TRANSACTION_FAILED
      Indicates that the request was either never attempted or was rolled back, because automatic or user transactions are in force and another request in the same transaction failed. Note that the request(s) that actually failed will have a code specific to the failure; it is only the requests that would otherwise have succeeded that are marked with this failure code.
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_TRANSPORT_ERROR
      This response code is usable only with the XMLHttpRequest transport and indicates that the server returned an HTTP response code outside the range 200-299 (all of these statuses indicate success, but ordinarily only 200 is used). To get the actual response code, you can query rpcResponse.httpResponseCode in your callback.

      Note that currently this error code will never occur for the hiddenFrame transport - instead, use STATUS_SERVER_TIMEOUT to detect hiddenFrame transport errors.

      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN_HOST_ERROR
      This response code only occurs when using the HTTP proxy. It is issued by the proxy servlet when the target host is unknown (ie, cannot be resolved through DNS). This response probably indicates that you are attempting to contact a nonexistent server (though it might mean that you have DNS problems).
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_UPDATE_WITHOUT_PK_ERROR
      Indicates that the client attempted an update or remove operation without providing primary key field(s)
      See Also:

      public static final int STATUS_VALIDATION_ERROR
      Indicates a validation failure on the server. See the error handling section in RPCManager documentation for more information.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RPCResponse

      public RPCResponse()
    • RPCResponse

      public RPCResponse(JavaScriptObject jsObj)
  • Method Details

    • getOrCreateRef

      public static RPCResponse getOrCreateRef(JavaScriptObject jsObj)
    • getHttpHeaders

      public Map getHttpHeaders()
      HTTP headers returned by the server as a map from header name to header value.

      Headers are available only when the default RPCTransport "xmlHttpRequest" is in use, and browsers may limit access to headers for cross-domain requests or in other security-sensitive scenarios.

      Current httpHeaders value. Default value is null
    • getHttpResponseCode

      public Integer getHttpResponseCode()
      This attribute (available when using the the xmlHttpRequest transport) contains the HTTP response code sent by the server.

      Note that this is different from status - that attribute is used to indicate a status code for the RPC itself whereas httpResponseCode is the raw HTTP response code for the HTTP request that contained the RPCRequest.

      This feature relies on the XMLHttpRequest object which can be disabled by end-users in some supported browsers. See PlatformDependencies for more information.

      If you're using this attribute, you'll typically want to avoid the default error handling response of RPCManager. To do so, set RPCRequest.willHandleError to true.

      Current httpResponseCode value. Default value is null
    • getHttpResponseText

      public String getHttpResponseText()
      The actual text of the HTTP response. Only available when the default RPCTransport "xmlHttpRequest" transport is in use,
      Current httpResponseText value. Default value is null
    • setStatus

      public RPCResponse setStatus(int status)
      Status code for this response. Status codes less than zero are considered errors by the RPCManager, those greater than or equal to zero are considered successes. Please see the error handling section the RPCManager docs for more information on what the RPCManager does with the status code and how you can override this behavior.

      When using the Smart GWT server you can set the rpcResponse.status by calling the server-side method RPCResponse.setStatus().

      When not using the Smart GWT server, the RPCManager makes no assumptions about the structure of the response, so the status code just reflects the httpResponseCode: status will be STATUS_TRANSPORT_ERROR if an HTTP-level error occurred such as "500 server error". If you have a status code you need to transmit you can simply embed it in the response (as part of data) and interpret it from the callback.

      With or without the Smart GWT server, the Relogin status codes (such as STATUS_LOGIN_REQUIRED) are triggered whenever special markers, such as the loginRequiredMarker, appear in the body of the response. See the Relogin\n Overview for details.

      status - New status value. Default value is 0
      RPCResponse instance, for chaining setter calls
      See Also:
    • getStatus

      public int getStatus()
      Status code for this response. Status codes less than zero are considered errors by the RPCManager, those greater than or equal to zero are considered successes. Please see the error handling section the RPCManager docs for more information on what the RPCManager does with the status code and how you can override this behavior.

      When using the Smart GWT server you can set the rpcResponse.status by calling the server-side method RPCResponse.setStatus().

      When not using the Smart GWT server, the RPCManager makes no assumptions about the structure of the response, so the status code just reflects the httpResponseCode: status will be STATUS_TRANSPORT_ERROR if an HTTP-level error occurred such as "500 server error". If you have a status code you need to transmit you can simply embed it in the response (as part of data) and interpret it from the callback.

      With or without the Smart GWT server, the Relogin status codes (such as STATUS_LOGIN_REQUIRED) are triggered whenever special markers, such as the loginRequiredMarker, appear in the body of the response. See the Relogin\n Overview for details.

      Current status value. Default value is 0
      See Also:
    • getTransactionNum

      public Integer getTransactionNum()
      ID of the transaction sent to the server via RPCManager.sendQueue() containing the RPCRequest associated with this response.
      Current transactionNum value. Default value is null
    • create

      public static void create()
      RPCResponses shouldn't be created directly. Instances of this class are automatically created and optionally passed to you in the callback you specify as part of your RPCRequest.
    • getDataAsMap

      public Map getDataAsMap()
      The data sent by the server.

      When communicating with the SmartClient server, is the data passed to the server-side method RPCResponse.setData() by your Java code. This data is translated into JavaScript objects by the rules described under in the SmartClient Reference. Simple types (Numeric values, Strings, Dates, Booleans) will be available as their equivalent Java types in your client side GWT code. Complex objects (such as serialized Maps or Lists from the server) will not be automatically translated back into Java on the client - they will arrive as JavaScriptObject instances. You can easily convert to the appropriate type yourself using the JSOHelper class. The JSOHelper.convertToJava(JavaScriptObject, boolean) method performs a recursive conversion of JavaScriptObjects returning a List (or array) for JavaScript arrays or a Map for simple JavaScript objects (key:value pairs).

      When not communicating with the SmartClient server contains the raw HTTP response body. See rpcRequest.useSimpleHttp, rpcRequest.serverOutputAsString, rpcRequest.evalResult in the SmartClient Reference for details.

      the data in the RPC response, as a Map
      See Also:
    • getDataAsString

      public String getDataAsString()
      The data sent by the server.

      When communicating with the SmartClient server, is the data passed to the server-side method RPCResponse.setData() by your Java code. This data is translated into JavaScript objects by the rules described under in the SmartClient Reference. Simple types (Numeric values, Strings, Dates, Booleans) will be available as their equivalent Java types in your client side GWT code. Complex objects (such as serialized Maps or Lists from the server) will not be automatically translated back into Java on the client - they will arrive as JavaScriptObject instances. You can easily convert to the appropriate type yourself using the JSOHelper class. The JSOHelper.convertToJava(JavaScriptObject, boolean) method performs a recursive conversion of JavaScriptObjects returning a List (or array) for JavaScript arrays or a Map for simple JavaScript objects (key:value pairs).

      When not communicating with the SmartClient server contains the raw HTTP response body. See rpcRequest.useSimpleHttp, rpcRequest.serverOutputAsString, rpcRequest.evalResult in the SmartClient Reference for details.

      the data in the RPC response, as a String
      See Also:
    • getDataAsObject

      public JavaScriptObject getDataAsObject()
      The data sent by the server.

      When communicating with the SmartClient server, is the data passed to the server-side method RPCResponse.setData() by your Java code. This data is translated into JavaScript objects by the rules described under in the SmartClient Reference. Simple types (Numeric values, Strings, Dates, Booleans) will be available as their equivalent Java types in your client side GWT code. Complex objects (such as serialized Maps or Lists from the server) will not be automatically translated back into Java on the client - they will arrive as JavaScriptObject instances. You can easily convert to the appropriate type yourself using the JSOHelper class. The JSOHelper.convertToJava(JavaScriptObject, boolean) method performs a recursive conversion of JavaScriptObjects returning a List (or array) for JavaScript arrays or a Map for simple JavaScript objects (key:value pairs).

      When not communicating with the SmartClient server contains the raw HTTP response body. See rpcRequest.useSimpleHttp, rpcRequest.serverOutputAsString, rpcRequest.evalResult in the SmartClient Reference for details.

      the data in the RPC response, as a JavaScriptObject
      See Also:
    • isDSResponse

      protected static boolean isDSResponse(JavaScriptObject jsObj)