public class Scrollbar extends StretchImg
. The scrollbar's appearance is based on a
for the "track", which consists of two fixed size buttons and a
stretchable center segment, and the ScrollThumb, the draggable portion of the scrollbar, also a StretchImg, with an
optional grip
config, configOnly, factoryCreated, factoryProperties, id, nativeObject, scClassName
Constructor and Description |
Scrollbar() |
Scrollbar( jsObj) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName,
Canvas defaults)
Changes the defaults for Canvas AutoChildren named
autoChildName . |
static void |
changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName,
FormItem defaults)
Changes the defaults for FormItem AutoChildren named
autoChildName . |
protected |
create() |
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, the thumb's appearance changes when it's clicked on.
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, the thumb's appearance changes when the user rolls over it.
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, this scrollbar will automatically enable when the scrollTarget is scrollable (i.e., when the contents of the
scrollTarget exceed its clip size in the direction relevant to this scrollbar), and automatically disable when the
scrollTarget is not scrollable.
java.lang.Integer |
The size of the square buttons (arrows) at the ends of this scrollbar.
StretchItem |
The StretchItem for the corner between vertical and horizontal scrollbars.
java.lang.Integer |
Allows the size of the corner segment to be set independently of the
btnSize . |
java.lang.String |
URL for the corner image, a singular image that appears in the corner when both h and v scrollbars are showing.
StretchItem |
The StretchItem for the end of a scrollbar (the "scroll down" or "scroll right" button image).
java.lang.Integer |
Number of pixels the thumb is allowed to overlap the buttons at the end of the track.
java.lang.String |
Base URL for the images used for the horizontal scrollbar track and end buttons.
com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject |
Getter implementing the
LogicalStructure interface,
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility. |
static Scrollbar |
getOrCreateRef( jsObj) |
Canvas |
The widget whose contents should be scrolled by this scrollbar.
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, displays a corner piece at the bottom end of a vertical scrollbar, or the right end of a horizontal scrollbar.
java.lang.Boolean |
Should the track buttons that allow page scrolling be shown?
java.lang.Boolean |
If true, the scrollbar uses a 5-segment rather than 3-segment image representation, where the 3 interior image segments
have the same state (Down, Over, etc), independent of the two outermost image segments.
java.lang.String |
Where are the skin images for the Scrollbar.
StretchItem |
The StretchItem for the start of a scrollbar (the "scroll up" or "scroll left" button image).
java.lang.Integer |
Number of pixels the thumb is allowed to overlap the buttons at the start of the track.
java.lang.Integer |
Inset of the thumb relative to the track.
int |
The minimum pixel size of the draggable thumb regardless of how large the scrolling region becomes.
int |
Number of pixels the thumb is allowed to overlap the buttons at each end of the track.
int |
The minimum pixel height of the track end segments (if enabled with showTrackEnds).
StretchItem |
The StretchItem for the end of a scrollbar track.
int |
The minimum pixel width of the track end segments (if enabled with showTrackEnds).
StretchItem |
The StretchItem for the middle part of a scrollbar track, which usually takes up the majority of the width or height of
the scrollbar.
StretchItem |
The StretchItem for the start of a scrollbar track.
java.lang.String |
Base URL for the images used for the vertical scrollbar track and end buttons.
static void |
Preload primary Scrollbar skin images.
Scrollbar |
setAllowThumbDownState(java.lang.Boolean allowThumbDownState)
If true, the thumb's appearance changes when it's clicked on.
Scrollbar |
setAllowThumbOverState(java.lang.Boolean allowThumbOverState)
If true, the thumb's appearance changes when the user rolls over it.
Scrollbar |
setAutoEnable(java.lang.Boolean autoEnable)
If true, this scrollbar will automatically enable when the scrollTarget is scrollable (i.e., when the contents of the
scrollTarget exceed its clip size in the direction relevant to this scrollbar), and automatically disable when the
scrollTarget is not scrollable.
Scrollbar |
setBtnSize(java.lang.Integer btnSize)
The size of the square buttons (arrows) at the ends of this scrollbar.
Scrollbar |
setCornerImg(StretchItem cornerImg)
The StretchItem for the corner between vertical and horizontal scrollbars.
Scrollbar |
setCornerSize(java.lang.Integer cornerSize)
Allows the size of the corner segment to be set independently of the
btnSize . |
Scrollbar |
setCornerSrc(java.lang.String cornerSrc)
URL for the corner image, a singular image that appears in the corner when both h and v scrollbars are showing.
static void |
setDefaultProperties(Scrollbar scrollbarProperties)
Class level method to set the default properties of this class.
Scrollbar |
setEndImg(StretchItem endImg)
The StretchItem for the end of a scrollbar (the "scroll down" or "scroll right" button image).
Scrollbar |
setEndThumbOverlap(java.lang.Integer endThumbOverlap)
Number of pixels the thumb is allowed to overlap the buttons at the end of the track.
Scrollbar |
setHSrc(java.lang.String hSrc)
Base URL for the images used for the horizontal scrollbar track and end buttons.
com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject |
setLogicalStructure(com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.widgets.ScrollbarLogicalStructure s)
Setter implementing the
LogicalStructure interface,
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility. |
Scrollbar |
setScrollTarget(Canvas scrollTarget)
The widget whose contents should be scrolled by this scrollbar.
Scrollbar |
setShowCorner(java.lang.Boolean showCorner)
If true, displays a corner piece at the bottom end of a vertical scrollbar, or the right end of a horizontal scrollbar.
Scrollbar |
setShowTrackButtons(java.lang.Boolean showTrackButtons)
Should the track buttons that allow page scrolling be shown?
Scrollbar |
setShowTrackEnds(java.lang.Boolean showTrackEnds)
If true, the scrollbar uses a 5-segment rather than 3-segment image representation, where the 3 interior image segments
have the same state (Down, Over, etc), independent of the two outermost image segments.
Scrollbar |
setSkinImgDir(java.lang.String skinImgDir)
Where are the skin images for the Scrollbar.
Scrollbar |
setStartImg(StretchItem startImg)
The StretchItem for the start of a scrollbar (the "scroll up" or "scroll left" button image).
Scrollbar |
setStartThumbOverlap(java.lang.Integer startThumbOverlap)
Number of pixels the thumb is allowed to overlap the buttons at the start of the track.
Scrollbar |
setThumbInset(java.lang.Integer thumbInset)
Inset of the thumb relative to the track.
Scrollbar |
setThumbMinSize(int thumbMinSize)
The minimum pixel size of the draggable thumb regardless of how large the scrolling region becomes.
Scrollbar |
setThumbOverlap(int thumbOverlap)
Number of pixels the thumb is allowed to overlap the buttons at each end of the track.
Scrollbar |
setTrackEndHeight(int trackEndHeight)
The minimum pixel height of the track end segments (if enabled with showTrackEnds).
Scrollbar |
setTrackEndImg(StretchItem trackEndImg)
The StretchItem for the end of a scrollbar track.
Scrollbar |
setTrackEndWidth(int trackEndWidth)
The minimum pixel width of the track end segments (if enabled with showTrackEnds).
Scrollbar |
setTrackImg(StretchItem trackImg)
The StretchItem for the middle part of a scrollbar track, which usually takes up the majority of the width or height of
the scrollbar.
Scrollbar |
setTrackStartImg(StretchItem trackStartImg)
The StretchItem for the start of a scrollbar track.
Scrollbar |
setVSrc(java.lang.String vSrc)
Base URL for the images used for the vertical scrollbar track and end buttons.
getCapSize, getGripImgSuffix, getIgnoreRTL, getImageType, getItemBaseStyle, getItems, getShowDownGrip, getShowGrip, getShowRollOverGrip, getShowTitle, getSrc, getVertical, setCapSize, setDefaultProperties, setGripImgSuffix, setIgnoreRTL, setImageType, setItemBaseStyle, setItems, setLogicalStructure, setShowDownGrip, setShowGrip, setShowRollOverGrip, setShowTitle, setSrc, setState, setState, setVertical
addToRadioGroup, deselect, getActionType, getAlign, getAriaLabel, getAriaStateDefaults, getAutoFit, getBaseStyle, getEditProxyConstructor, getHeight, getHeightAsString, getIcon, getIconHeight, getIconOrientation, getIconSize, getIconStyle, getIconWidth, getLabelHPad, getLabelVPad, getOverCanvas, getOverCanvasConstructor, getRadioGroup, getRedrawOnStateChange, getSelected, getShowDisabled, getShowDisabledIcon, getShowDown, getShowDownIcon, getShowFocused, getShowFocusedAsOver, getShowFocusedIcon, getShowMenuOnClick, getShowOverCanvas, getShowRollOver, getShowRollOverIcon, getShowRTLIcon, getShowSelectedIcon, getState, getStateSuffix, getStyleName, getTitle, getValign, getVIconStyle, getWidth, getWidthAsString, isSelected, removeFromRadioGroup, removeFromRadioGroup, select, setActionType, setAlign, setAriaLabel, setAutoFit, setBaseStyle, setDefaultProperties, setEditProxyConstructor, setHeight, setHeight, setIcon, setIconHeight, setIconOrientation, setIconSize, setIconStyle, setIconWidth, setLabelHPad, setLabelVPad, setLogicalStructure, setOverCanvasConstructor, setRadioGroup, setRedrawOnStateChange, setSelected, setShowDisabled, setShowDisabledIcon, setShowDown, setShowDownIcon, setShowFocused, setShowFocusedAsOver, setShowFocusedIcon, setShowMenuOnClick, setShowOverCanvas, setShowRollOver, setShowRollOverIcon, setShowRTLIcon, setShowSelectedIcon, setState, setStyleName, setTitle, setTitleFormatter, setTitleStyle, setValign, setVIconStyle, setWidth, setWidth
addChild, addChild, addChild, addChild, addChild, addClearHandler, addClickHandler, addDoubleClickHandler, addDragMoveHandler, addDragRepositionMoveHandler, addDragRepositionStartHandler, addDragRepositionStopHandler, addDragResizeMoveHandler, addDragResizeStartHandler, addDragResizeStopHandler, addDragStartHandler, addDragStopHandler, addDropHandler, addDropMoveHandler, addDropOutHandler, addDropOverHandler, addFocusChangedHandler, addHoverHandler, addHoverHiddenHandler, addKeyDownHandler, addKeyPressHandler, addMouseDownHandler, addMouseMoveHandler, addMouseOutHandler, addMouseOverHandler, addMouseStillDownHandler, addMouseUpHandler, addMouseWheelHandler, addMovedHandler, addParentMovedHandler, addPeer, addPeer, addPeer, addPeer, addResizedHandler, addRightMouseDownHandler, addRuleContextChangedHandler, addScrolledHandler, addShowContextMenuHandler, addSnapAlignCandidate, addStyleName, addVisibilityChangedHandler, adjustForContent, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateFade, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateHide, animateMove, animateMove, animateMove, animateMove, animateRect, animateRect, animateRect, animateRect, animateResize, animateResize, animateResize, animateResize, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateScroll, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, animateShow, asSGWTComponent, blur, bringToFront, clear, clearExplicitTabIndex, clickMaskUp, clickMaskUp, contains, contains, containsEvent, containsEventTarget, containsFocus, containsPoint, containsPoint, dataContextChanged, deparent, depeer, disable, enable, encloses, focus, focusAfterGroup, focusAtEnd, focusInNextTabElement, focusInPreviousTabElement, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getAccessKey, getAdaptiveHeightPriority, getAdaptiveWidthPriority, getAlwaysManageFocusNavigation, getAlwaysShowScrollbars, getAnimateAcceleration, getAnimateFadeTime, getAnimateHideAcceleration, getAnimateHideEffect, getAnimateHideTime, getAnimateMoveAcceleration, getAnimateMoveTime, getAnimateRectAcceleration, getAnimateRectTime, getAnimateResizeAcceleration, getAnimateResizeLayoutMode, getAnimateResizeTime, getAnimateScrollAcceleration, getAnimateScrollTime, getAnimateShowAcceleration, getAnimateShowEffect, getAnimateShowTime, getAnimateTime, getAppImgDir, getAriaHandleID, getAriaRole, getAutoMaskComponents, getAutoParent, getAutoPopulateData, getAutoShowParent, getBackgroundColor, getBackgroundImage, getBackgroundPosition, getBackgroundRepeat, getBorder, getBorderRadius, getBottom, getById, getByJSObject, getByLocalId, getCanAcceptDrop, getCanAdaptHeight, getCanAdaptWidth, getCanDrag, getCanDragReposition, getCanDragResize, getCanDragScroll, getCanDrop, getCanDropBefore, getCanFocus, getCanHover, getCanSelectText, getCanvasAutoChild, getCanvasItem, getChildren, getChildrenResizeSnapAlign, getChildrenSnapAlign, getChildrenSnapCenterAlign, getChildrenSnapEdgeAlign, getChildrenSnapResizeToGrid, getChildrenSnapToGrid, getChildTabPosition, getClassName, getComponentMask, getComponentMaskDefaults, getContentElement, getContents, getContextMenu, getCorrectZoomOverflow, getCursor, getDataContext, getDataPath, getDefaultHeight, getDefaultWidth, getDefiningProperty, getDefiningPropertyName, getDefiningPropertyNameOptions, getDestroyed, getDestroying, getDisabled, getDisabledCursor, getDisableTouchScrollingForDrag, getDoubleClickDelay, getDragAppearance, getDragIntersectStyle, getDragMaskType, getDragMaxHeight, getDragMaxWidth, getDragMinHeight, getDragMinWidth, getDragOpacity, getDragRepositionAppearance, getDragRepositionCursor, getDragResizeAppearance, getDragScrollDelay, getDragStartDistance, getDragTarget, getDragTargetAsString, getDragType, getDropTarget, getDropTargetAsString, getDropTypes, getDropTypesAsString, getDynamicContents, getEdgeBackgroundColor, getEdgeCenterBackgroundColor, getEdgeImage, getEdgeMarginSize, getEdgeOffset, getEdgeOpacity, getEdgeShowCenter, getEdgeSize, getEditNode, getEditProxy, getElement, getElement, getEnableWhen, getEndLine, getEventEdge, getEventEdge, getExtraSpace, getFacetId, getFloatingScrollbars, getFormItemAutoChild, getForwardSVGeventsToObject, getFullDataPath, getGroupBorderCSS, getGroupLabelBackgroundColor, getGroupLabelStyleName, getGroupPadding, getGroupTitle, getHideUsingDisplayNone, getHoverAlign, getHoverAutoDestroy, getHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, getHoverAutoFitMaxWidthAsString, getHoverAutoFitWidth, getHoverComponent, getHoverDelay, getHoverFocusKey, getHoverHeight, getHoverHTML, getHoverMoveWithMouse, getHoverOpacity, getHoverPersist, getHoverScreen, getHoverStyle, getHoverVAlign, getHoverWidth, getHoverWrap, getHSnapPosition, getHSnapPosition, getHtmlElement, getHtmlElementAsString, getHtmlPosition, getImage, getImgURL, getImgURL, getInnerContentHeight, getInnerContentWidth, getInnerHeight, getInnerWidth, getIsGroup, getIsPrinting, getIsRuleScope, getIsSnapAlignCandidate, getKeepInParentRect, getLayoutAlign, getLeaveGroupLabelSpace, getLeavePageSpace, getLeft, getLeftAsString, getLocalId, getLocateByIDOnly, getLocateChildrenBy, getLocateChildrenType, getLocatePeersBy, getLocatePeersType, getLocatorName, getMargin, getMasterCanvas, getMasterElement, getMatchElement, getMatchElementHeight, getMatchElementWidth, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMaxZoomOverflowError, getMenuConstructor, getMinHeight, getMinNonEdgeSize, getMinWidth, getMomentumScrollMinSpeed, getMouseStillDownDelay, getMouseStillDownInitialDelay, getName, getNativeAutoHideScrollbars, getNextZIndex, getNoDoubleClicks, getNoDropCursor, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getOffsetX, getOffsetY, getOpacity, getOuterElement, getOverflow, getPadding, getPageBottom, getPageLeft, getPageRect, getPageRight, getPageTop, getPaletteDefaults, getPanelContainer, getParentCanvas, getParentElement, getPeers, getPendingMarkerStyle, getPendingMarkerVisible, getPercentBox, getPercentSource, getPersistentMatchElement, getPointerSettings, getPointerTarget, getPointerTargetAsString, getPosition, getPrefix, getPrintChildrenAbsolutelyPositioned, getPrintHTML, getPrintHTML, getPrintStyleName, getPrompt, getProportionalResizeModifiers, getProportionalResizing, getReceiveScrollbarEvents, getRect, getRedrawOnResize, getResizeBarTarget, getResizeFrom, getRight, getRuleContext, getRuleContext, getRuleScope, getScrollbarSize, getScrollBottom, getScrollHeight, getScrollLeft, getScrollRight, getScrollTop, getScrollWidth, getShadowColor, getShadowDepth, getShadowHOffset, getShadowImage, getShadowOffset, getShadowSoftness, getShadowSpread, getShadowVOffset, getShouldPrint, getShowCustomScrollbars, getShowDragShadow, getShowEdges, getShowHover, getShowHoverComponents, getShowPointer, getShowResizeBar, getShowShadow, getShowSnapGrid, getShrinkElementOnHide, getSizeMayChangeOnRedraw, getSnapAlignCandidates, getSnapAlignCenterLineStyle, getSnapAlignEdgeLineStyle, getSnapAxis, getSnapEdge, getSnapGridLineProperties, getSnapGridStyle, getSnapHDirection, getSnapHGap, getSnapOffsetLeft, getSnapOffsetTop, getSnapOnDrop, getSnapPosition, getSnapPosition, getSnapResizeToAlign, getSnapResizeToGrid, getSnapTo, getSnapToAlign, getSnapToCenterAlign, getSnapToEdgeAlign, getSnapToGrid, getSnapVDirection, getSnapVGap, getStartLine, getTabIndex, getTestDataContext, getTestInstance, getTooltip, getTop, getTopAsString, getTopElement, getUISummary, getUpdateTabPositionOnDraw, getUpdateTabPositionOnReparent, getUseBackMask, getUseCSSShadow, getUseDragMask, getUseImageForSVG, getUseNativeDrag, getUseOpacityFilter, getUseTouchScrolling, getValuesManager, getValuesManagerAsString, getViewportHeight, getViewportWidth, getVisibility, getVisibleHeight, getVisibleWhen, getVisibleWidth, getVSnapPosition, getVSnapPosition, getWorkflows, getZIndex, getZIndex, handleHover, hide, hideClickMask, hideClickMask, hideComponentMask, hideComponentMask, hideContextMenu, imgHTML, imgHTML, imgHTML, initComplete, intersects, isDirty, isDisabled, isFocused, isVisible, keyUp, layoutChildren, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, linkHTML, markForDestroy, markForRedraw, markForRedraw, moveAbove, moveBelow, moveBy, moveTo, onAttach, onDetach, onInit, pageScrollDown, pageScrollUp, parentResized, placeNear, placeNear, placeNear, print, print, print, print, printComponents, provideRuleContext, provideRuleContext, redraw, redraw, registerFontScaledPaddingStyles, removeChild, removeChild, removePeer, removePeer, removeRuleContext, removeSnapAlignCandidate, resizeAutoChildAttributes, resizeBy, resizeControls, resizeControlsTo, resizeFonts, resizeFonts, resizeFonts, resizeFontsTo, resizeIcons, resizePadding, resizePadding, resizeTo, resizeTo, revealChild, revealChild, scrollBy, scrollByPercent, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollTo, scrollToBottom, scrollToLeft, scrollToPercent, scrollToRight, scrollToTop, sendToBack, setAccessKey, setAdaptHeightByCustomizer, setAdaptiveHeightPriority, setAdaptiveWidthPriority, setAdaptWidthByCustomizer, setAllowExternalFilters, setAlwaysManageFocusNavigation, setAlwaysShowScrollbars, setAnimateAcceleration, setAnimateFadeTime, setAnimateHideAcceleration, setAnimateHideEffect, setAnimateHideTime, setAnimateMoveAcceleration, setAnimateMoveTime, setAnimateRectAcceleration, setAnimateRectTime, setAnimateResizeAcceleration, setAnimateResizeLayoutMode, setAnimateResizeTime, setAnimateScrollAcceleration, setAnimateScrollTime, setAnimateShowAcceleration, setAnimateShowEffect, setAnimateShowTime, setAnimateTime, setAppImgDir, setAriaRole, setAriaState, setAutoChildConstructor, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildProperties, setAutoChildVisibility, setAutoHeight, setAutoMaskComponents, setAutoParent, setAutoPopulateData, setAutoResizeAutoChildAttributes, setAutoResizeIcons, setAutoShowParent, setAutoWidth, setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundImage, setBackgroundPosition, setBackgroundRepeat, setBorder, setBorderRadius, setBottom, setCanAcceptDrop, setCanAdaptHeight, setCanAdaptWidth, setCanDrag, setCanDragReposition, setCanDragResize, setCanDragScroll, setCanDrop, setCanDropBefore, setCanFocus, setCanHover, setCanSelectText, setChildren, setChildrenResizeSnapAlign, setChildrenSnapAlign, setChildrenSnapCenterAlign, setChildrenSnapEdgeAlign, setChildrenSnapResizeToGrid, setChildrenSnapToGrid, setComponentMaskDefaults, setContents, setContextMenu, setCorrectZoomOverflow, setCursor, setDataContext, setDataPath, setDefaultHeight, setDefaultPageSpace, setDefaultProperties, setDefaultShowCustomScrollbars, setDefaultWidth, setDefiningProperty, setDefiningPropertyNameOptions, setDisabled, setDisabledCursor, setDisableTouchScrollingForDrag, setDoubleClickDelay, setDragAppearance, setDragIntersectStyle, setDragMaskType, setDragMaxHeight, setDragMaxWidth, setDragMinHeight, setDragMinWidth, setDragOpacity, setDragRepositionAppearance, setDragRepositionCursor, setDragResizeAppearance, setDragScrollDelay, setDragStartDistance, setDragTarget, setDragTarget, setDragType, setDropTarget, setDropTarget, setDropTypes, setDropTypes, setDynamicContents, setEdgeBackgroundColor, setEdgeCenterBackgroundColor, setEdgeImage, setEdgeMarginSize, setEdgeOffset, setEdgeOpacity, setEdgeShowCenter, setEdgeSize, setEditMode, setEditMode, setEditMode, setElement, setEnableWhen, setEndLine, setExtraSpace, setFacetId, setFloatingScrollbars, setForwardSVGeventsToObject, setGroupBorderCSS, setGroupLabelBackgroundColor, setGroupLabelStyleName, setGroupPadding, setGroupTitle, setHeight, setHeight100, setHideUsingDisplayNone, setHoverAlign, setHoverAutoDestroy, setHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, setHoverAutoFitMaxWidth, setHoverAutoFitWidth, setHoverDelay, setHoverFocusKey, setHoverHeight, setHoverMoveWithMouse, setHoverOpacity, setHoverPersist, setHoverScreen, setHoverStyle, setHoverVAlign, setHoverWidth, setHoverWrap, setHtmlElement, setHtmlElement, setHtmlPosition, setImage, setImage, setInitHandler, setIsGroup, setIsRuleScope, setIsSnapAlignCandidate, setKeepInParentRect, setKeepInParentRect, setKeepInParentRect, setLayoutAlign, setLayoutAlign, setLeaveGroupLabelSpace, setLeavePageSpace, setLeft, setLeft, setLocateByIDOnly, setLocateChildrenBy, setLocateChildrenType, setLocatePeersBy, setLocatePeersType, setLocatorName, setLocatorParent, setLocatorParent, setLogicalStructure, setMargin, setMatchElement, setMatchElementHeight, setMatchElementWidth, setMaxHeight, setMaxWidth, setMaxZoomOverflowError, setMenuConstructor, setMinHeight, setMinNonEdgeSize, setMinWidth, setMomentumScrollMinSpeed, setMouseStillDownDelay, setMouseStillDownInitialDelay, setName, setNativeAutoHideScrollbars, setNeverUseFilters, setNoDoubleClicks, setNoDropCursor, setOpacity, setOverflow, setPadding, setPageLeft, setPageTop, setPanelContainer, setParentCanvas, setParentElement, setPeers, setPendingMarkerStyle, setPendingMarkerVisible, setPercentBox, setPercentSource, setPersistentMatchElement, setPointerSettings, setPointerTarget, setPosition, setPrefix, setPrintChildrenAbsolutelyPositioned, setPrintStyleName, setPrompt, setProportionalResizeModifiers, setProportionalResizing, setReceiveScrollbarEvents, setRect, setRect, setRedrawOnResize, setRelativeTabPosition, setResizeBarTarget, setResizeFrom, setResizeFrom, setRight, setRuleScope, setScrollbarConstructor, setScrollbarSize, setShadowColor, setShadowDepth, setShadowHOffset, setShadowImage, setShadowOffset, setShadowSoftness, setShadowSpread, setShadowVOffset, setShouldPrint, setShowCustomScrollbars, setShowDragShadow, setShowEdges, setShowHover, setShowHoverComponents, setShowPointer, setShowResizeBar, setShowShadow, setShowSnapGrid, setShrinkElementOnHide, setSizeMayChangeOnRedraw, setSmoothFade, setSnapAlignCandidates, setSnapAlignCenterLineStyle, setSnapAlignEdgeLineStyle, setSnapAxis, setSnapEdge, setSnapGridLineProperties, setSnapGridStyle, setSnapHDirection, setSnapHGap, setSnapOffsetLeft, setSnapOffsetTop, setSnapOnDrop, setSnapResizeToAlign, setSnapResizeToGrid, setSnapTo, setSnapToAlign, setSnapToCenterAlign, setSnapToEdgeAlign, setSnapToGrid, setSnapVDirection, setSnapVGap, setStartLine, setTabIndex, setTestDataContext, setTooltip, setTop, setTop, setUpdateTabPositionOnDraw, setUpdateTabPositionOnReparent, setUseBackMask, setUseCSSShadow, setUseDragMask, setUseImageForSVG, setUseNativeDrag, setUseOpacityFilter, setUseTouchScrolling, setValuesManager, setValuesManager, setVisibility, setVisible, setVisibleWhen, setWidth, setWidth100, setWorkflows, setZIndex, shouldDragScroll, show, showClickMask, showComponentMask, showComponentMask, showNextTo, showNextTo, showNextTo, showNextTo, showPendingMarker, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showPrintPreview, showRecursively, startDebuggingOverflow, stopDebuggingOverflow, updateChildTabPosition, updateChildTabPositions, updateEditNode, updateHover, updateHover, updateShadow, updateTabPositionForDraw, visibleAtPoint, willAcceptDrop
addDrawHandler, addDynamicProperty, addDynamicProperty, addDynamicProperty, addDynamicProperty, applyFactoryProperties, clearDynamicProperty, completeCreation, destroy, doAddHandler, doInit, doOnRender, draw, equals, error, errorIfNotCreated, getAttribute, getAttributeAsBoolean, getAttributeAsDate, getAttributeAsDateArray, getAttributeAsDouble, getAttributeAsElement, getAttributeAsFloat, getAttributeAsFloatArray, getAttributeAsInt, getAttributeAsIntArray, getAttributeAsJavaScriptObject, getAttributeAsMap, getAttributeAsObject, getAttributeAsRecord, getAttributeAsString, getAttributeAsStringArray, getConfig, getDOM, getHandlerCount, getID, getInnerHTML, getJsObj, getOrCreateJsObj, getRef, getScClassName, hasAutoAssignedID, hasDynamicProperty, hashCode, initNativeObject, internalSetID, internalSetID, isConfigOnly, isCreated, isDrawn, isFactoryCreated, onBind, onDestroy, onDraw, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setConfig, setConfigOnly, setDefaultProperties, setDragTracker, setFactoryCreated, setID, setJavaScriptObject, setLogicalStructure, setLogicalStructure, setNullProperty, setPosition, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setScClassName, toString
addAttachHandler, addBitlessDomHandler, addDomHandler, addHandler, asWidget, asWidgetOrNull, createHandlerManager, delegateEvent, doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren, fireEvent, getLayoutData, getParent, isAttached, isOrWasAttached, onBrowserEvent, onLoad, onUnload, removeFromParent, setLayoutData, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents
addStyleDependentName, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, getStyleElement, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getStylePrimaryName, isVisible, onEnsureDebugId, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, resolvePotentialElement, setElement, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleDependentName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStylePrimaryName, setStylePrimaryName, setVisible, sinkBitlessEvent
public Scrollbar()
public Scrollbar( jsObj)
public static Scrollbar getOrCreateRef( jsObj)
public static void changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName, Canvas defaults)
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- Canvas defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties
without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this
param, see SGWTProperties
public static void changeAutoChildDefaults(java.lang.String autoChildName, FormItem defaults)
- name of an AutoChild to customize the defaults for.defaults
- FormItem defaults to apply. These defaults override any existing properties
without destroying or wiping out non-overridden properties. For usage tips on this
param, see SGWTProperties
protected create()
in class StretchImg
public Scrollbar setAllowThumbDownState(java.lang.Boolean allowThumbDownState) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New allowThumbDownState value. Default value is falseScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Boolean getAllowThumbDownState()
public Scrollbar setAllowThumbOverState(java.lang.Boolean allowThumbOverState) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New allowThumbOverState value. Default value is falseScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Boolean getAllowThumbOverState()
public Scrollbar setAutoEnable(java.lang.Boolean autoEnable)
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New autoEnable value. Default value is trueScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Boolean getAutoEnable()
public Scrollbar setBtnSize(java.lang.Integer btnSize)
to set the width of a vertical scrollbar or
the height of a horizontal scrollbar. If not set it will default to Canvas.scrollbarSize
- New btnSize value. Default value is nullScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callspublic java.lang.Integer getBtnSize()
to set the width of a vertical scrollbar or
the height of a horizontal scrollbar. If not set it will default to Canvas.scrollbarSize
.public Scrollbar setCornerImg(StretchItem cornerImg) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
and StretchItem.height
set on the cornerImg StretchItem are ignored. The
default is: new StretchItem("corner", null, null)
- New cornerImg value. Default value is see belowScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic StretchItem getCornerImg()
and StretchItem.height
set on the cornerImg StretchItem are ignored. The
default is: new StretchItem("corner", null, null)
public Scrollbar setCornerSize(java.lang.Integer cornerSize) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New cornerSize value. Default value is nullScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Integer getCornerSize()
.public Scrollbar setCornerSrc(java.lang.String cornerSrc) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
- New cornerSrc value. Default value is "[SKIN]corner.gif"Scrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdSCImgURL
Images overview and related methods
public java.lang.String getCornerSrc()
Images overview and related methods
public Scrollbar setEndImg(StretchItem endImg) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
new StretchItem("end", "btnSize", "btnSize")
- New endImg value. Default value is see belowScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic StretchItem getEndImg()
new StretchItem("end", "btnSize", "btnSize")
public Scrollbar setEndThumbOverlap(java.lang.Integer endThumbOverlap) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New endThumbOverlap value. Default value is nullScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Integer getEndThumbOverlap()
public Scrollbar setHSrc(java.lang.String hSrc) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
See StretchImg.items
for a general explanation of how this base URL is
transformed into various pieces and states.
For a normal 3-segment track, the suffixes "_start", "_track" and "_end" are added to this URL. The "start" and "end" images should appear to be buttons (the user can click on these segments to scroll slowly). The "track" segment provides a background for the space in which the thumb can be dragged, and can also be clicked on to scroll quickly.
For a 5-segment track (showTrackEnds
:true), the suffixes are "_start", "_track_start",
"_track", "_track_end" and "_end".
in class StretchImg
- New hSrc value. Default value is "[SKIN]hscroll.gif"Scrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdSCImgURL
Images overview and related methods
public java.lang.String getHSrc()
See StretchImg.items
for a general explanation of how this base URL is
transformed into various pieces and states.
For a normal 3-segment track, the suffixes "_start", "_track" and "_end" are added to this URL. The "start" and "end" images should appear to be buttons (the user can click on these segments to scroll slowly). The "track" segment provides a background for the space in which the thumb can be dragged, and can also be clicked on to scroll quickly.
For a 5-segment track (showTrackEnds
:true), the suffixes are "_start", "_track_start",
"_track", "_track_end" and "_end".
in class StretchImg
Images overview and related methods
public Scrollbar setScrollTarget(Canvas scrollTarget)
Note : This is an advanced setting
- target canvas to be scrolled. Default value is nullScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callspublic Canvas getScrollTarget()
public Scrollbar setShowCorner(java.lang.Boolean showCorner) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New showCorner value. Default value is falseScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Boolean getShowCorner()
public Scrollbar setShowTrackButtons(java.lang.Boolean showTrackButtons) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New showTrackButtons value. Default value is trueScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Boolean getShowTrackButtons()
public Scrollbar setShowTrackEnds(java.lang.Boolean showTrackEnds) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
This allows certain advanced skinning designs where the track-as-such (space in which the thumb may be dragged) has curved endcaps, and is also visually stateful (that is, changes when the mouse goes down, without affecting the appearance of the outermost segments).
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New showTrackEnds value. Default value is falseScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Boolean getShowTrackEnds()
This allows certain advanced skinning designs where the track-as-such (space in which the thumb may be dragged) has curved endcaps, and is also visually stateful (that is, changes when the mouse goes down, without affecting the appearance of the outermost segments).
public Scrollbar setSkinImgDir(java.lang.String skinImgDir) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
overall skin directory
Note : This is an advanced setting
in class Canvas
- New skinImgDir value. Default value is "images/Scrollbar/"Scrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdSCImgURL
Images overview and related methods
public java.lang.String getSkinImgDir()
overall skin directory
in class Canvas
Images overview and related methods
public Scrollbar setStartImg(StretchItem startImg) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
StretchItem("start", "btnSize", "btnSize")
- New startImg value. Default value is see belowScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic StretchItem getStartImg()
StretchItem("start", "btnSize", "btnSize")
public Scrollbar setStartThumbOverlap(java.lang.Integer startThumbOverlap) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New startThumbOverlap value. Default value is nullScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Integer getStartThumbOverlap()
public Scrollbar setThumbInset(java.lang.Integer thumbInset) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New thumbInset value. Default value is nullScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic java.lang.Integer getThumbInset()
public Scrollbar setThumbMinSize(int thumbMinSize) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New thumbMinSize value. Default value is 12Scrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic int getThumbMinSize()
public Scrollbar setThumbOverlap(int thumbOverlap) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New thumbOverlap value. Default value is 1Scrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic int getThumbOverlap()
public Scrollbar setTrackEndHeight(int trackEndHeight) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New trackEndHeight value. Default value is 12Scrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic int getTrackEndHeight()
public Scrollbar setTrackEndImg(StretchItem trackEndImg) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
new StretchItem("track_end", "trackEndSize",
- New trackEndImg value. Default value is see belowScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic StretchItem getTrackEndImg()
new StretchItem("track_end", "trackEndSize",
public Scrollbar setTrackEndWidth(int trackEndWidth) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Note : This is an advanced setting
- New trackEndWidth value. Default value is 12Scrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic int getTrackEndWidth()
public Scrollbar setTrackImg(StretchItem trackImg) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
new StretchItem("track", "*", "*")
- New trackImg value. Default value is see belowScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic StretchItem getTrackImg()
new StretchItem("track", "*", "*")
public Scrollbar setTrackStartImg(StretchItem trackStartImg) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
new StretchItem("track_start",
"trackStartSize", "trackStartSize")
- New trackStartImg value. Default value is see belowScrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdpublic StretchItem getTrackStartImg()
new StretchItem("track_start",
"trackStartSize", "trackStartSize")
public Scrollbar setVSrc(java.lang.String vSrc) throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
for usage.setVSrc
in class StretchImg
- New vSrc value. Default value is "[SKIN]vscroll.gif"Scrollbar
instance, for chaining setter callsjava.lang.IllegalStateException
- this property cannot be changed after the component has been createdSCImgURL
Images overview and related methods
public java.lang.String getVSrc()
for usage.getVSrc
in class StretchImg
Images overview and related methods
public static void setDefaultProperties(Scrollbar scrollbarProperties)
Note: This method is intended for setting default attributes only and will affect all instances of the underlying class (including those automatically generated in JavaScript). This method should not be used to apply standard EventHandlers or override methods for a class - use a custom subclass instead. Calling this method after instances have been created can result in undefined behavior, since it bypasses any setters and a class instance may have already examined a particular property and not be expecting any changes through this route.
- properties that should be used as new defaults when instances of this class are createdSGWTProperties
public static void preloadImages()
public com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject setLogicalStructure(com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.widgets.ScrollbarLogicalStructure s)
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility.public com.smartgwt.logicalstructure.core.LogicalStructureObject getLogicalStructure()
which supports Eclipse's logical structure debugging facility.getLogicalStructure
in interface LogicalStructure
in class StretchImg