Interface DynamicCriteria
public interface DynamicCriteria
If a property indicates it has support for "dynamic criteria" it means that values in the
criteria may be dynamically derived from the current
In other words, it allows criteria to be declared using values from nearby drawn
components, via the Canvas.ruleScope
Values are pulled from the ruleScope via setting Criterion.valuePath
When values drawn from the ruleScope change, the component where dynamicCriteria is
declared will be notified and automatically use the new value
public void onModuleLoad() { TextItem lifeSpan = new TextItem("lifeSpan"); lifeSpan.setDefaultValue(45); final DynamicForm theForm = new DynamicForm(); theForm.setID("theForm"); theForm.setItems(lifeSpan); AdvancedCriteria initialCriteria = new AdvancedCriteria("lifeSpan", OperatorId.GREATER_THAN); initialCriteria.setValuePath("theForm.values.lifeSpan"); ListGrid lg = new ListGrid(); lg.setAutoFetchData(true); lg.setDataSource(AnimalXmlDS.getInstance()); lg.setInitialCriteria(initialCriteria); lg.setWidth(600); lg.setHeight(400); lg.setTop(50); VLayout vl = new VLayout(); vl.addMembers(theForm, lg); vl.draw(); }