Class SavedSearches

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SavedSearches extends DataClass
Data components such as ListGrid or TileGrid may allow users to set up their own search criteria within an application, either via an external SearchForm, or through built in UI such as the ListGrid.filterEditor.

The "Saved Search" subsystem allows users to save out their criteria (and in some cases user-configured view state) so when the application is reloaded they can easily restore a search or view from a previous session.

Note: The SavedSearches feature requires Smart GWT Pro or better.

User interface components for storing and retreiving saved searches are available via the built in ListGrid features ListGrid.canSaveSearches and ListGrid.savedSearchStoredState, as well as the explicit the SavedSearchForm and SavedSearchItem classes.

The SavedSearches class

SavedSearches is a "singleton" class that provides central handling of storing and loading saved search data.

You acquire the SavedSearches singleton via get() and you can configure defaults via Class.addProperties() or Class.changeDefaults().

Saved searches are stored serialized as JSON in DataSource Records.
By default saved searches are stored in HTML5 browser localStorage via automatically generated custom DataSources. In this mode the searches are only retained for a specific user on a particular machine, and searches cannot be shared with other users - but this approach is sufficient for many applications, works out of the box, does not require any storage and has no impact on scalability.

For more capable saved search storage and retrieval, an explicit saved search dataSource backed by permanent storage such as an SQL database table may be specified.
Typically this is done by setting up the defaultDataSource. This will store searches for all users and for every component and the same dataSource may even be used for multiple applications.
For finer grained control, individual saved search dataSources may also be specified per component.

See getSavedSearchDataSource() for how to retrieve the dataSource for a component.

A SavedSearch dataSource has the following fields, some of which are optional, all of which can be renamed as needed. (Click the links to see the purpose of each field):

In your SDK, look for sc_SavedSearches.ds.xml for a sample SQL-based implementation of saved-search (entirely declarative). Note that DataSource.cacheAllData is set to true - this causes all searches applicable to a given user to be loaded in advance, the first time any component requests saved searches. For most applications, this is the right approach, and is much better than performing server requests each time a new component is shown that might have saved searches.

Note that the SavedSearches system can be used to store any kind of component setting; in particular, ListGrids used SavedSearches to store complete viewState, which includes field order & visibility, sorting and group state in addition to search criteria.

Admin-Configured Shared Searches

Shared searches (also referred to as "Admin Searches") are special searches that appear for all users, as pre-configured default saved searches. While any user can create and edit their own personal saved searches, admin searches can only be created or edited by users with the adminRole (see below).

Admin searches are not available when no dataSource was configured to store the savedSearch data. In this case a user's searches are stored to their machine rather than in a central database, and the concept of sharing admin-created searches does not apply.

Admin searches are identified by either having the userIdField null, or by the separate boolean adminField set to true.

UI components such as SavedSearchItem will offer a UI for adding, editing and removing admin searches if the user has the adminRole, as determined by Authentication.hasRole().

In addition to this, for security reasons the server should also enforce role-based authentication for creating and editing admin searches.
Note: the sample sc_SavedSearches.ds.xml dataSource has no "admin" field to identify shared or "admin" searches. Instead records in this dataSource with "userId" set to null are considered to be shared searches.
The ownerIdField, ownerIdNullAccess and ownerIdNullRole attributes enforce the appropriate restrictions for editing admin searches -- these settings allow all users to view records with userId:null but only users with the "admin" role may create or edit them.

Default Searches

Default searches are searches which will be automatically applied to a component on draw. The SavedSearch subsystem supports two notions of "default" searches. A user may select their personal default search, in which case the next time they load the page this search will be applied to the component automatically. Or an administrator may mark a shared admin search as the default for all users. In this case anyone who loads the application will see this search applied.

If a user has a stored personal default search preference, this always takes precedence over any admin-default search.

Like any admin-searches, admin-default searches only apply when a dataSource was configured to store the savedSearch data.

Saving default searches

If saveDefaultSearchToServer is false (the default), the user-default search preference will be stored in browser localStorage.
This is done because the user may choose an Admin Search as their default search, and since Admin Search records are shared between all users, we can't mark the Admin Search record in the database as the default for a specific user (at least not without more complex storage).
The drawback is that a user switching browsers or device will not have their default search preserved.

If you want to persist default searches chosen by the user to permanent storage on the server, you can set saveDefaultSearchToServer to true. In this case the SavedSearch dataSource must include a boolean defaultField. Typically this will need to be populated via custom server logic when fetching records to indicate that the record in question is the chosen default for the current user. When saveDefaultSearchToServer is true, the client will issue a custom update operation when the user wants to modify their default search - see setDefaultUserSearchOperation.

Admin default searches are stored on the server regardless of whether saveDefaultSearchToServer is true. The dataSource should include a boolean adminDefaultField to indicate that an admin search record is the shared-default search.
If an admin user updates a record to be the new shared default search, the client will issue a different custom update operation - see setDefaultAdminSearchOperation.
Note that we'd recommend marking this operation as requiresRole="admin" on the server, as in the sample sc_SharedSearches.ds.xml dataSource configuration.

Identifying components associated with Saved Searches

Stored saved search records will have the componentId field set to the identifier returned by getSavedSearchId() for a component. By default this method returns an identifer based on the a local ID and DataSource ID. This means that if you assign a unique ID to a component that saves searches, and don't change that ID, stored saved searches will always be associated with the component and its current DataSource.

If you don't set a unique global ID on the component, and your component isn't part of a Reify screen, and so doesn't have a separate local ID, the default saved search identifier is not guaranteed to be consistent across changes to your app, and in that case, previously stored searches will no longer be associated with the component.

Alternatively you can bypass the ID dependency altogether and define an explicit DataBoundComponent.savedSearchId. This allows you to define a stable identifier for storing saved searches without setting a component ID.

Note that developers may explicitly change the DataBoundComponent.savedSearchId at runtime. In this case, if the saved search ID changes, the component will be associated with a new set of saved searches. When an explicit savedSearchId is provided, it will not automatically be changed if a new DataSource is bound to the component. To keep the saved searches applicable to the current DataSource, developers may want to explicitly update savedSearchId in this case.

Security Concerns

If you provide your own DataSource for storing searches, you should enforce the following restrictions on the server:

  • Limiting fetch operations such that the logged-in user can only see their own searches (searches where the current userId matches the userIdField), and shared or "admin" searches (searches where the adminField is true, or if there is no admin field, searches where the userIdField value is null).
  • Ensuring that logged in users without the adminRole can only add, edit and remove records where the userIdField matches their userId.
  • For logged in users with the adminRole, also allowing users to add, update and remove admin searches. What this means in concrete terms depends on whether the dataSource includes an adminField.
    If an adminField exists, admin users are exempt from userId restrictions when editing or removing records where this field value is set to true. When adding a new record it is still recommended the admin user's own userId should be stored in the userIdField.
    If no adminField exists, admin searches are identified by having the userIdField set to null. In this case admin users should be able to add, remove and edit records where the userIdField matches their own userId, or is null.
If you are not providing your own DataSource for storing searches, searches will be stored to each user's browser LocalStorage. Developers should be aware that objects stored in LocalStorage are accessible by all applications deployed to the same host + port. This means that if you're loading multiple Smart GWT applications from the save server they could potentially access each others' SavedSearches from localStorage, if the same userName and componentId exist in both applications.
This should not typically be an issue, as we default the applicationId value to the window.location.pathname which can't be shared by two applications deployed to the same server, but it could come up if allowNullApplicationId was set to true.

searchName field escaping: by default, any character is allowed in the searchName field, and searchName are escaped when displayed by built-in UI components. If you provide your own UI for saved searches, you should escape the searchName field before displaying. Otherwise, users could render your application partly non-functional by using special characters or inline script, or a malicious admin could inject code into other user's browsers. If you prefer to just limit the searchName field to non-special characters, you can just add a dataSourceField validator to do this, and the built-in UIs for saved search will handle the validation error as expected (block the save or edit and tell the user what's wrong).

If you fail to implement all of the above, then it will be possible for users to save searches for other users or as admin searches, and those saved searches could have malicious code that is then injected into other user's browsers.

As noted above - the SavedSearches feature requires Smart GWT Pro or better.

  • Constructor Details

    • SavedSearches

      public SavedSearches()
    • SavedSearches

      public SavedSearches(JavaScriptObject jsObj)
  • Method Details

    • getOrCreateRef

      public static SavedSearches getOrCreateRef(JavaScriptObject jsObj)
    • getAdminDefaultField

      public String getAdminDefaultField()
      Type "boolean". Designates an admin search as the shared default search for all users.

      The user's chosen default search is normally stored separately; the adminDefaultField exists as a way to mark a search as the default for a user that hasn't chosen one yet.

      See the "Default Searches" section of the SavedSearches overview for more information.

      Current adminDefaultField value. Default value is "isSharedDefault"
    • getAdminField

      public String getAdminField()
      (optional), type "boolean". Designates this search as an admin search, visible to all users
      Current adminField value. Default value is "admin"
    • getAdminRole

      public String getAdminRole()
      The name of the adminRole (used via Authentication.hasRole()) to check to see if the current user has admin privileges.
      Current adminRole value. Default value is "admin"
    • setAllowNullApplicationId

      public SavedSearches setAllowNullApplicationId(boolean allowNullApplicationId)
      If applicationId is not explicitly specified, it will be defaulted to the current window.location.pathname.

      Set this flag to true to disable this behavior and allow SavedSearches to be stored with no explicit applicationId.

      Note : This is an advanced setting

      allowNullApplicationId - New allowNullApplicationId value. Default value is false
      SavedSearches instance, for chaining setter calls
    • getAllowNullApplicationId

      public boolean getAllowNullApplicationId()
      If applicationId is not explicitly specified, it will be defaulted to the current window.location.pathname.

      Set this flag to true to disable this behavior and allow SavedSearches to be stored with no explicit applicationId.

      Current allowNullApplicationId value. Default value is false
    • getApplicationId

      public String getApplicationId()
      The applicationId that will be saved to "applicationIdField" to disambiguate from other applications that use the same dataSource.

      If no applicationId was specified, getApplicationId() will return the current window.location.pathname by default. This behavior can be turned off by setting allowNullApplicationId:true.

      The applicationId allows the same dataSource to be used to store savedSearches for different applications. It also ensures that if no explicit dataSource was specified, and searches are being stored to browser local storage, saved searches will be associated with the current application even if another application running under the same domain/port has a component with the same componentId.

      Retrieves the value to saves as the link{SavedSearches.applicationIdField,"applicationIdField"} value for saved searches within this application.

      Returns this.applicationId if specified, otherwise the current window.location.pathname will be returned by default.
      Set allowNullApplicationId to suppress this behavior of defaulting to the location.pathname. Default value is null

    • getApplicationIdField

      public String getApplicationIdField()
      Type: "string" (optional). This field exists to allow a single DataSource to be used across multiple applications without colliding on componentId. Set applicationId to cause all search lookups to use applicationId as criteria, and all newly saved searches to store that applicationId.

      Note that if applicationId is not explicitly set, the window.location.pathname will be used as a default. This behavior can be disabled by setting allowNullApplicationId to true.

      Current applicationIdField value. Default value is "applicationId"
    • getComponentIdField

      public String getComponentIdField()
      Type: "string". Stores a unique ID for the component the saved search is associated with. This does not have to be the Canvas.ID and is usually a AutoTestLocator
      Current componentIdField value. Default value is "componentId"
    • getDataField

      public String getDataField()
      Type: "string". Name dataSource field used for storing the saved search itself with at least 8k of storage (it's possible for searches to get yet larger, but rare).
      Current dataField value. Default value is "data"
    • getDefaultDataSource

      public DataSource getDefaultDataSource()
      Default DataSource used for persistence of saved searches. This may be overridden for individual components via component.savedSearchDS.

      If no default dataSource is explicitly provided, the system will automatically generated a custom DataSource for each component that stores saved searches in HTML5 localStorage. See getLocalDataSource().

      This means the searches are only retained for that specific user on that particular machine, and searches cannot be shared with other users. However, this approach does mean that you don't have to provide storage for saved searches and saving searches has no impact on scalability.

      Retrieves the DataSource used for persistence of saved searches.

      If a defaultDataSource was explicitly specified, it will be returned, otherwise this method returns null.

      To retrieve the dataSource used to store savedSearches for a specific component see getSavedSearchDataSource(). Default value is null

    • getDefaultDataSourceAsString

      public String getDefaultDataSourceAsString()
      Default DataSource used for persistence of saved searches. This may be overridden for individual components via component.savedSearchDS.

      If no default dataSource is explicitly provided, the system will automatically generated a custom DataSource for each component that stores saved searches in HTML5 localStorage. See getLocalDataSource().

      This means the searches are only retained for that specific user on that particular machine, and searches cannot be shared with other users. However, this approach does mean that you don't have to provide storage for saved searches and saving searches has no impact on scalability.

      Retrieves the DataSource used for persistence of saved searches.

      If a defaultDataSource was explicitly specified, it will be returned, otherwise this method returns null.

      To retrieve the dataSource used to store savedSearches for a specific component see getSavedSearchDataSource(). Default value is null

    • getDefaultField

      public String getDefaultField()
      optional, type "boolean". Designates this search as the default search for this user.

      This field is only required if saveDefaultSearchToServer is true.
      See the "Default Searches" section of the SavedSearches overview for more information.

      Current defaultField value. Default value is "isDefault"
    • setOfflineStorageKey

      public SavedSearches setOfflineStorageKey(String offlineStorageKey)
      If no explicit defaultDataSource was provided, a custom HTML5 local storage backed dataSource will be automatically created per component to store saved searches (see getLocalDataSource()).

      This property denotes a base storage key for these dataSources.
      The calculated savedSearch identifier for the component will be appended to this value to create the key to use when storing serialized searches in local storage.

      offlineStorageKey - New offlineStorageKey value. Default value is "isc_savedSearch_"
      SavedSearches instance, for chaining setter calls
    • getOfflineStorageKey

      public String getOfflineStorageKey()
      If no explicit defaultDataSource was provided, a custom HTML5 local storage backed dataSource will be automatically created per component to store saved searches (see getLocalDataSource()).

      This property denotes a base storage key for these dataSources.
      The calculated savedSearch identifier for the component will be appended to this value to create the key to use when storing serialized searches in local storage.

      Current offlineStorageKey value. Default value is "isc_savedSearch_"
    • getPrimaryKeyField

      public String getPrimaryKeyField()
      Type: "string". Name dataSource field used as the primary key.

      This is expected to be populated automatically when new search records are added to the data set, so will typically be of type:sequence.

      Current primaryKeyField value. Default value is "pk"
    • getProjectIdField

      public String getProjectIdField()
      Type: "string". Required because component IDs are not unique if components are loaded as screens, especially Reify Screens.
      Current projectIdField value. Default value is "projectId"
    • setSaveDefaultSearchToServer

      public SavedSearches setSaveDefaultSearchToServer(boolean saveDefaultSearchToServer)
      Should a user's default search preferences be stored to the server?

      Default user searches are normally saved in browser localStorage - see the "Default Searches" section of the SavedSearches doc and also the docs for ListGrid.saveDefaultSearch.

      If you want to store the default search on the server instead, you can add an OperationBinding of type "update" called "setDefaultUserSearch" to your defaultDataSource. This will be called with the PK value of the record to be made the default search, plus a boolean true value for the defaultField. The expectation is that the search identified by the PK is marked as default and any other searches previously marked as default are unmarked.

      Since Admin Search records are shared among all users, the expectation is that the underlying storage actually stores default markers separately from admin searches, and the defaultDataSource is acting as a facade DataSource.

      Updating a user's default search in the dataSource data should not modify any admin-default search.

      saveDefaultSearchToServer - New saveDefaultSearchToServer value. Default value is false
      SavedSearches instance, for chaining setter calls
    • getSaveDefaultSearchToServer

      public boolean getSaveDefaultSearchToServer()
      Should a user's default search preferences be stored to the server?

      Default user searches are normally saved in browser localStorage - see the "Default Searches" section of the SavedSearches doc and also the docs for ListGrid.saveDefaultSearch.

      If you want to store the default search on the server instead, you can add an OperationBinding of type "update" called "setDefaultUserSearch" to your defaultDataSource. This will be called with the PK value of the record to be made the default search, plus a boolean true value for the defaultField. The expectation is that the search identified by the PK is marked as default and any other searches previously marked as default are unmarked.

      Since Admin Search records are shared among all users, the expectation is that the underlying storage actually stores default markers separately from admin searches, and the defaultDataSource is acting as a facade DataSource.

      Updating a user's default search in the dataSource data should not modify any admin-default search.

      Current saveDefaultSearchToServer value. Default value is false
    • setSavedSearchIDPrefix

      public SavedSearches setSavedSearchIDPrefix(String savedSearchIDPrefix)
      Prefix applied to a specified DataBoundComponent.savedSearchId by getSavedSearchId(). This is required to handle the case where a component's savedSearchId matches the ID of some other component.

      Note : This is an advanced setting

      savedSearchIDPrefix - New savedSearchIDPrefix value. Default value is "SSID:"
      SavedSearches instance, for chaining setter calls
    • getSavedSearchIDPrefix

      public String getSavedSearchIDPrefix()
      Prefix applied to a specified DataBoundComponent.savedSearchId by getSavedSearchId(). This is required to handle the case where a component's savedSearchId matches the ID of some other component.
      Current savedSearchIDPrefix value. Default value is "SSID:"
    • getScreenIdField

      public String getScreenIdField()
      Type: "string". Required because component IDs are not unique if components are loaded as screens, especially Reify Screens.
      Current screenIdField value. Default value is "screenId"
    • getSearchNameField

      public String getSearchNameField()
      Type: "string". Name dataSource field used for storing names of saved searches.
      Current searchNameField value. Default value is "searchName"
    • setSetDefaultAdminSearchOperation

      public SavedSearches setSetDefaultAdminSearchOperation(String setDefaultAdminSearchOperation)
      operationId for the custom update operation to invoke when updating the default admin search.

      The update data for this operation will be the saved search record to mark as the shared default with the adminDefaultField set to indicate whether the saved search is being set or cleared.

      When marking a search as the new shared default, the dataSource implementation for this custom update operation must clear the adminDefaultField value on any previous shared default search. The server should also use the dsResponse.relatedUpdates feature to notify the client that the previous default was unset.

      setDefaultAdminSearchOperation - New setDefaultAdminSearchOperation value. Default value is "setDefaultAdminSearch"
      SavedSearches instance, for chaining setter calls
    • getSetDefaultAdminSearchOperation

      public String getSetDefaultAdminSearchOperation()
      operationId for the custom update operation to invoke when updating the default admin search.

      The update data for this operation will be the saved search record to mark as the shared default with the adminDefaultField set to indicate whether the saved search is being set or cleared.

      When marking a search as the new shared default, the dataSource implementation for this custom update operation must clear the adminDefaultField value on any previous shared default search. The server should also use the dsResponse.relatedUpdates feature to notify the client that the previous default was unset.

      Current setDefaultAdminSearchOperation value. Default value is "setDefaultAdminSearch"
    • setSetDefaultUserSearchOperation

      public SavedSearches setSetDefaultUserSearchOperation(String setDefaultUserSearchOperation)
      operationId for the custom update operation to invoke when updating the default user search if saveDefaultSearchToServer is true.

      The update data for this operation will be the saved search record to mark as the user default with the defaultField set to indicate whether the saved search is being set or cleared.

      Note : This is an advanced setting

      setDefaultUserSearchOperation - New setDefaultUserSearchOperation value. Default value is "setDefaultUserSearch"
      SavedSearches instance, for chaining setter calls
    • getSetDefaultUserSearchOperation

      public String getSetDefaultUserSearchOperation()
      operationId for the custom update operation to invoke when updating the default user search if saveDefaultSearchToServer is true.

      The update data for this operation will be the saved search record to mark as the user default with the defaultField set to indicate whether the saved search is being set or cleared.

      Current setDefaultUserSearchOperation value. Default value is "setDefaultUserSearch"
    • getUserIdField

      public String getUserIdField()
      Type: "string" (optional). This stores the userId of the user saving the search, populated from the current userId. This field is only optional in the sense that you could instead build a DataSource that returns user-specific saved searches through some other mechanism (for example, by inserting a userId value and forcing userId criteria on the server side).
      Current userIdField value. Default value is "userId"
    • getLocalDataSource

      public DataSource getLocalDataSource(Canvas componentId)
      This method returns an automatically generated custom DataSource to store saved searches for a component in HTML5 localStorage. Note that this dataSource will only be used to store savedSearches if there is no shared default dataSource specified, and if ListGrid.savedSearchDS is not set for the component.

      The offline storage key for the data will be generated by combining the offlineStorageKey with the component identifier retrieved from getSavedSearchId().

      Note: The dataSources returned by this method will suppress logging their requests to the Developer Console RPC tag by default. This is done so developers can more easily see dataSource requests and responses that were explicitly initiated by application code, to simplify debugging. However, if a developer has explicitly created a SavedSearch dataSource either as the global default or at the component level, requests to access and update SavedSearch data will be logged as with any other dataSource.

      componentId - Component to retrieve the dataSource for, or saved search component identifier as returned by getSavedSearchId()
      dataSource for SavedSearches backed by HTML5 local storage.
    • getLocalDataSource

      public DataSource getLocalDataSource(String componentId)
      This method returns an automatically generated custom DataSource to store saved searches for a component in HTML5 localStorage. Note that this dataSource will only be used to store savedSearches if there is no shared default dataSource specified, and if ListGrid.savedSearchDS is not set for the component.

      The offline storage key for the data will be generated by combining the offlineStorageKey with the component identifier retrieved from getSavedSearchId().

      Note: The dataSources returned by this method will suppress logging their requests to the Developer Console RPC tag by default. This is done so developers can more easily see dataSource requests and responses that were explicitly initiated by application code, to simplify debugging. However, if a developer has explicitly created a SavedSearch dataSource either as the global default or at the component level, requests to access and update SavedSearch data will be logged as with any other dataSource.

      componentId - Component to retrieve the dataSource for, or saved search component identifier as returned by getSavedSearchId()
      dataSource for SavedSearches backed by HTML5 local storage.
    • getSavedSearchDataSource

      public DataSource getSavedSearchDataSource(DataBoundComponent component)
      Retrieves the DataSource used for persistence of saved searches for some component.

      If component.savedSearchDS is specified this will be returned.
      Otherwise if an explicit default dataSource was specified, it will be used.

      If no explicit dataSource was provided either at the component level or as a default for all SavedSearches, this method will return the result of getLocalDataSource().

      component - component to retrieve the SavedSearch dataSource for
      the DataSource used to store saved searches for the target component
    • getSavedSearchId

      public String getSavedSearchId(Canvas component)
      Returns the identifier used to uniquely identify saved searches for some component.

      This is the value that will be set on the componentIdField when storing saved searches to a DataSource.
      If there is no explicly specified dataSource for storing saved searches, it will also be used to configure the offline storage key for data stored by the automatically generated local storage backed dataSource for the component.

      The returned value is calculated as follows:

      Note: The returned ID string is not guaranteed to be immutable over a widget's lifespan.

      If no explicit component savedSearchId was set, the system will rely on the widget's local or global ID, which can change unless explicit due to app changes, and on the DataSource ID bound to the component, which may change at runtime. Since this property is used to identify the savedSearch records associated with this component, when it changes a different set of saved searches will be available to the user.

      If you want to control this explicitly, you can do so by setting an explicit savedSearchId. Changing the savedSearchId at runtime also allows you to deliberately associate a component with a new set of SavedSearches depending on application state. One common case where this might be desirable is if a component is bound to a dataSource and you want to bind to a new DataSource where the savedSearch criteria would not be applicable.

      component - component to retrieve the identifier for
      component saved search ID
    • setDefaultAdminSearch

      public void setDefaultAdminSearch(DataBoundComponent component, boolean isDefault, Record searchRecord, String callback)
      Update the admin default search for some component

      This will invoke the setDefaultAdminSearchOperation to update the admin search record on the server.

      component - component being updated
      isDefault - whether the default is being set to true or false
      searchRecord - record containing details of the search to be updated
      callback - callback to invoke when the search has been updated. Takes no arguments. See Callback
    • setDefaultUserSearch

      public void setDefaultUserSearch(DataBoundComponent component, boolean isDefault, Record searchRecord, String callback)
      Update the user's default search.

      This will invoke the setDefaultUserSearchOperation if saveDefaultSearchToServer is true, otherwise it will persist the default into offline storage

      component - component being updated
      isDefault - whether the default is being set to true or false
      searchRecord - record containing details of the search to be updated
      callback - callback to invoke when the search has been updated. Takes no arguments. See Callback
    • get

      public static SavedSearches get()
      Singleton accessor method.
      an instance of SavedSearches