Class SelectionEvent

public class SelectionEvent extends BrowserEvent<SelectionChangedHandler>
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getFiringCanvas

      public Canvas getFiringCanvas()
      Returns the Canvas firing the event.
      Canvas firing the event
    • fire

      public static <S extends HasSelectionChangedHandlers & HasHandlers> void fire(S source, JavaScriptObject jsObj)
      Fires a open event on all registered handlers in the handler manager.If no such handlers exist, this method will do nothing.
      Type Parameters:
      S - The event source
      source - the source of the handlers
      jsObj - the native event
    • getType

      public static GwtEvent.Type<SelectionChangedHandler> getType()
      Gets the type associated with this event.
      returns the handler type
    • dispatch

      protected void dispatch(SelectionChangedHandler handler)
      Specified by:
      dispatch in class GwtEvent<SelectionChangedHandler>
    • getAssociatedType

      public final GwtEvent.Type<SelectionChangedHandler> getAssociatedType()
      Specified by:
      getAssociatedType in class GwtEvent<SelectionChangedHandler>
    • getRecord

      public ListGridRecord getRecord()
      record for which selection changed
      record for which selection changed
    • getState

      public boolean getState()
      New selection state (true for selected, false for unselected)
      New selection state (true for selected, false for unselected)
    • getSelection

      public ListGridRecord[] getSelection()
      The selection associated with the listGrid. Alias for getRecord()
      the selection
    • getSelectedRecord

      public ListGridRecord getSelectedRecord()
      Return the first selected record in this component.

      This method is appropriate if selectionType is "single", or if you only care about the first selected record in a multiple-record selection. To access all selected records, use ListGrid.getSelection instead.
      first selected record, or null if nothing selected