Interface HasHilitesChangedHandlers

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CalendarView, CubeGrid, DateGrid, EditTree, ListGrid, ListPalette, Menu, MenuPalette, PickListMenu, RecordEditor, SelectionTreeMenu, TableView, TreeGrid, TreePalette

public interface HasHilitesChangedHandlers extends HasHandlers
  • Method Details

    • addHilitesChangedHandler

      HandlerRegistration addHilitesChangedHandler(HilitesChangedHandler handler)
      Notification method executed whenever the end user uses the HiliteEditor to change the set of hilites applied to this grid. This method will not be called after a purely programmatic change to the hilites made with a call to setHilites(). The array of currently applied hilite objects is accessible via getHilites().
      handler - the hilitesChanged handler
      HandlerRegistration used to remove this handler