Interface XmlCriteriaShorthand

public interface XmlCriteriaShorthand
All rules described in this topic are applied any time a property is of type AdvancedCriteria (in both Component XML and JavaScript component creation) and any API declares an AdvancedCriteria param.

A shorthand format for AdvancedCriteria is supported for simple criteria where the outer criterion is assumed to be an "and" operator:

  <!-- Simple format -->
  <criteria fieldName="restrictAge" operator="equals" value="true"/>
This is equivalent to:
  <!-- Normal format -->
  <criteria _constructor="AdvancedCriteria operator="and">
      <criterion fieldName="restrictAge" operator="equals" value="true"/>
Additionally these defaults are used allowing to simplify AdvancedCriteria declaration:
  • operator="and" default is used if criteria is present at the same level
  • operator="equals" default is used if fieldName is present at the same level
  • value="true" default is used if operator="equals" default was applied
So, shorthand format above could be simplified even more, for example to conditionally enable a form button:
  <!-- Simple format -->
  <enableWhen fieldName="CustomerGrid.anySelected"/>
Full equivalent:
  <!-- Normal format -->
  <enableWhen _constructor="AdvancedCriteria operator="and">
      <criterion fieldName="CustomerGrid.anySelected" operator="equals" value="true"/>
Another example shows all defaults usage, significantly shortening AdvancedCriteria declaration for boolean dynamic property (see full setup in Boolean Dynamic Properties example):
  <!-- Simple format -->
      <criteria fieldName="settingsForm/values/exportFieldWidths" />
      <criteria fieldName="settingsForm/values/exportAs" operator="inSet" >
Full equivalent:
  <!-- Normal format -->
      <AdvancedCriteria operator="and">
              <criterion fieldName="settingsForm/values/exportFieldWidths" operator="equals" value="true"/>
              <criterion fieldName="settingsForm/values/exportAs" operator="inSet" >
JS example:
  // Simple format
  {fieldName: "restrictAge"}
  // Normal format
    _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria",
    operator: "and",
    criteria: [
      {fieldName: "restrictAge", operator: "equals", value: true}