Interface LoadProjectTag

public interface LoadProjectTag


See jspTags

produces: JavaScript

This tag inserts JavaScript to load the screens that are part of the project.

Note that this JSP tag must be surrounded by <SCRIPT> tags in the JSP because it generates JavaScript code. Like other tags that generate JavaScript code, this tag can be used in a JSP that is included from your main page in order to create separate cacheability. For example:

  <SCRIPT SRC="myUIDefinitions.jsp"></SCRIPT>

Tag Attributes:

value format: String - comma separated list of Project files to load (minus extensions)
default value: NONE

This attribute specifies the name(s) of the project file(s) that contains any screens that should be loaded into the browser. Project files are located in [webroot]/shared/ui by default. This location is changeable in [webroot]/WEB-INF/classes/ by setting the config parameter project.project to the directory where your Project files are located. We recommend that for prototyping, at least, you use the default directory.

For example:

  <isomorphic:loadProject name="test"/>
Would create JavaScript that loads the screens listed in the project file [webroot]/shared/ui/test.proj.xml and output it into the JSP output stream at the location of the tag.

value format: String - name of screen to initially draw
default value: the currentScreenName defined in the project file. In the case where more than one project is specified by the name attribute, the default value is taken from the first project only.

This attribute specifies the name of the screen within the project to draw after loading. Drawing of the screen can be suppressed by including the "drawFirstScreen" attribute.

value format: String - comma-separated list of screen names.
default value: NONE

This attribute specifies the names of screens within the project that should be loaded.

value format: boolean - acceptable values: "true" or "false"
default value: "true"

This attribute determines whether the "currentScreenName" screen is drawn after the project screens have been loaded.

value format: String - name of locale to load default value: NONE

Use this attribute to specify a locale to load. The default value of null omits locale loading, which effectively means the framework default "en" locale is used.

value format: String - name of project owner default value: NONE

Use this attribute to specify a project owner. Only applicable if project source supports owner identification.

See Also: