Interface KeyName

public interface KeyName
Strings to identify the various keys on the keyboard.
  • For alpha keys, the single (uppercase) character value is used, such as "Q"
  • For Numeric keys, the number is used as in a single character string, like "1"
  • Function keys are identified as "f1" - "f12"
  • Non alpha-numeric character keys (such as the key for "[" / "{") are identified by their unmodified character value (the value obtained by hitting the key without holding shift down), by default - exceptions are listed below.
  • Additional key names:
    - Space
    - Tab
    - Enter
    - Escape
    - Backspace
    - Insert
    - Delete
    - Arrow_Up
    - Arrow_Down
    - Arrow_Left
    - Arrow_Right
    - Home
    - End
    - Page_Up
    - Page_Down
    - Shift
    - Ctrl
    - Alt
[Note: Some keys may not be available for capture on every platform]