Interface IntegratingAI

public interface IntegratingAI

Integrating AI Technology

AI technology is woven into the Smart GWT framework, not only at a base level, but also systemically. With only minimal changes to application code, surprisingly sophisticated, AI-powered enhancements can be enabled that have the ability to turn the users of your application into power users. For example, users of your application can use natural language to:
  • Filter a ListGrid according to their description of the records to include or exclude.
  • Add a custom field to a ListGrid, combining data from the underlying dataSource or augmenting the data with AI-provided knowledge.
  • Sort the data of a ListGrid according to the user's description of how the data should be ordered.
  • Build a custom DataBoundComponent using available dataSources according to the user's description of what they would like to see.

The AIEngine class

Communication with AI services is performed by instances of the AIEngine class. The first step in integrating AI technology into your application is to register an AIEngine instance and set defaultEngineId to its AIEngine.engineId. You may either implement AIEngine for the generative AI service that you would like to use, or you may utilize built-in support for the following AI engines:
Engine ID Provider Name Additional Installation Notes
"gpt-3.5-turbo" OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo You must obtain an API key having access to the model(s) from:
Then, the value of server configuration property OpenAI.api.key must be set to your API key.

The o1-preview and o1-mini models may require higher tier API access.

"gpt-4" OpenAI GPT-4
"gpt-4-turbo" OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo
"gpt-4o" OpenAI GPT-4o
"o1-preview" OpenAI o1-preview
"o1-mini" OpenAI o1-mini
"gemini-pro" Google Gemini Pro & Gemini Pro Vision You must obtain an API key having access to these models from:
Then, the value of server configuration property Gemini.api.key must be set to your API key.
Note: The AI services corresponding to the IDs in AntiqueWhite do not support vision requests.

If using a custom AIEngine instance, register it via AI.registerEngine(). Then set defaultEngineId to the engineId of the AIEngine (either custom or built-in) that should be used by default.

Enabling AI

AI is disabled by default. To enable AI within your application, set the defaultEngineId to the AIEngine that you would like to use by default, and then set disabled to false.

If your application will need to ask AI to analyze images, make sure to register at least one AIEngine that supports vision requests.

Here is sample Smart GWT code that enables AI using GPT-4o by default:


AI Component Views and AIServiceMode

AI can be used to set up the view settings of a ListGrid, such as filters, sorts, and record hilites, according to the user's natural-language request for how the records should be filtered, sorted, and hilited. These AI-generated view settings are saved in the component ViewState.

With each AI component view feature, there is an associated AIServiceMode setting that controls the mode for how AI should respond to user requests:

Filtering filterViaAIMode
Sorting sortViaAIMode
Hiliting hiliteViaAIMode

With respect to AI component views, the supported AI service modes are:

  • AI Assist - AI drives existing UI on the user's behalf according to the request. An example of this is: AI converts the user's description of what records they would like to see into AdvancedCriteria that is then set as the filter criterion of a DataBoundComponent.
  • AIDE (AI Data Enhance) - per-record augmentation or enhancements provided via AI. Examples of this are AI-generated fields, where the field values are not derived from the records, but rather, supplied via AI.
  • Hybrid - a combination of AI Assist and AIDE, where AI decides whether AI Assist, AIDE, or some combination of both approaches should be used to best respond to the request.

The amount of interaction with AI is lowest in AI Assist mode. AIDE requires more interaction with AI, and Hybrid mode requires the most amount of interaction. More interaction with AI generally requires more time to process the component view request.

Requirements for AI Component Views to be Enabled

With respect to a particular DataBoundComponent, the requirements for AI component views to be enabled are:
  • AI must be enabled: AI.isEnabled()
  • A globally-installed DataSource with a primary key and supporting AdvancedCriteria must be set.
  • The DataSource cannot have a composite primary key.
  • The number of data-records must be known, and the total number of records must be less than the DBC's aiMaxRecords.